Let the (Imaginary) Backlash Begin
cityfile · 06/15/09 09:40AM![](http://images.gawker.com/Image_Not_Found_1x_qjofp8/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.png)
Back in May, Calvin Klein Jeans erected an billboard on Houston Street featuring four teenagers making out. The campaign was designed to stir up controversy: When it was first announced, the company gleefully revealed that a companion TV spot had been banned by American television networks before it even aired. Well, it's been more than month now, but the Daily News has finally managed to find some people outraged by the sexually-charged billboard. People like Rev. Don Wildmon, who runs the American Family Association and who says the billboard "shows a lack of respect for our society." Of course, Wildmon may have to squint pretty hard to see the billboard from his vantage point: He lives in Tupelo, Mississippi. [NYDN]