
The Elevator Chronicles: Graydon Carter

Gawker · 04/24/03 11:23AM

"I am terribly amused by the note that your Conde Nast mole [Ed. noteActually, we have several Conde Nast moles.] sent in regarding his/her (perhaps I should just assume it's a her) Anna Wintour sighting. Despite her outsize persona, she is an employee of this company, and rides the elevators with the rest of the plebians. Were there a VIP elevator, I'm sure sightings of this elegant, bony creature would be fewer and further between, but there she is, when not in Europe viewing the collections or courting high society in Houston or whatever else it is that she does. She's bizarre, certainly, and people do love to hate her (and perhaps some of this is well-deserved) but personally I think the most objectionable editor in this building is Graydon Carter."