
Dirty dotcoms, done dirt cheap

Owen Thomas · 07/30/07 03:18PM

No wonder TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington, formerly CEO at domain-name trader, was so eager to get out of what he's called the "extremely dirty domain name business": is now putting 257 ultrafilthy domains up for sale at a live auction to be held August 4 in Hollywood, Fla. The list includes domains like,, and — and those are some of the more pleasant ones. We're curious how made it onto such a raunchy roster. Is there something we should know about what people are doing with all those condos on the market?

The domainers' worst enemy

Owen Thomas · 07/09/07 11:21AM

Trust the Gray Lady to suck the drama — and the sense — out of a tech story. The New York Times profiles David Ulevitch of OpenDNS, an entrepreneur who's trying to make the Internet's domain-name system work better and faster. That means, of course, killing off the practice of "typo-squatting." Since the Times couldn't manage a decent explanation of this conflict, we'll oblige.Typo-squatting is a particulary unsavory side of the domain-name business. Clumsy Web users mistype website addresses all the time. Domainers, those wily entrepreneurs who register domain names in the hopes of making a profit, register common misspellings like "," and throw ads up on those websites, making a cheap and fast buck. (Business 2.0 recently profiled Kevin Ham, a domainer who's built a $300 million business on typo-squatting and other domain-name maneuvers.)