
Here's What a Hedge Fund Profit-And-Loss Statement Looks Like

Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/13 11:49AM

Hedge funds are privately controlled and notoriously secretive investment firms with billions of dollars in assets. Here's a document listing all of the income, salaries, and spending for one hedge fund over several years.

The NRA Wants to Keep Gun Records Secret From Everyone Except the NRA

Sergio Hernandez · 02/27/13 02:00PM

Legislators and gun rights advocates get really angry whenever nosy reporters try to use public records laws to find out who's packing heat. When the Westchester Journal News published an online map of local residents with handgun licenses last year, the paper was excoriated by the NRA and its allies; it eventually took the map down. When Gawker published a similar list—without addresses—of New York City handgun permit-holders last month, we were attacked by Fox News and received multiple death threats. And when the editor of the North Carolina Cherokee Scout dared to request—not publish, but merely request—similar data from his local sheriff, he was forced to apologize and resign; he plans to leave the state entirely.

The FBI Monitored a Young Christopher Hitchens

John Cook · 03/08/12 01:33PM

The FBI has released some of its files on the late Christopher Hitchens, including records indicating that he was the subject of a counterintelligence investigation in the 1980s.

Rick Santorum's Wikileaks

John Cook · 03/06/12 03:04PM

Catholic scold Rick Santorum thinks Julian Assange is a "terrorist"—and ought to be prosecuted as such—for his role in releasing thousands of pages of classified documents on the internet. He ought to know: In 2006, Sen. Rick Santorum literally forced the U.S. government to dump thousands of pages of classified records concerning Iraq onto the web, including detailed plans for building a nuclear weapon, so that right-wing bloggers could search them for evidence of Saddam Hussein's phantom WMD.

Steve Jobs' FBI File Released

John Cook · 02/09/12 09:50AM

The FBI has released, and posted on its web site, Steve Jobs' 191-page FBI file. Read it here. The file consists of a 1991 background investigation conducted when Jobs was being considered for an appointment to the President's Export Council in the Bush I White House, and records of a 1985 bomb threat against him.

The Catholic Church's Secret Gay Cabal - The Documents

Remy Stern · 07/28/11 01:01PM

Here, published for the first time, are excerpts from "Miami Vice: A Preliminary Report on the Financial, Spiritual, and Sexual Improprieties of the Clergy of the Miami Archdiocese." The report, which lays out in clinical investigative detail the extent to which the Archdiocese of Miami had become a hotbed of gay sex and corruption under the administration of Archbishop John C. Favalora, was produced by a group of frustrated conservative Miami Catholics who call themselves Christifidelis. The full report numbers more than 400 pages; we have published a 109-page selection from its nine chapters and four appendices. In cases where we could not substantiate its claims about particular individuals, we have redacted information to render them unidentifiable.

Roger Ailes' Secret Nixon-Era Blueprint for Fox News

John Cook · 06/30/11 12:02PM

Republican media strategist Roger Ailes launched Fox News Channel in 1996, ostensibly as a "fair and balanced" counterpoint to what he regarded as the liberal establishment media. But according to a remarkable document buried deep within the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, the intellectual forerunner for Fox News was a nakedly partisan 1970 plot by Ailes and other Nixon aides to circumvent the "prejudices of network news" and deliver "pro-administration" stories to heartland television viewers.

What Scientology's Japan Recruitment Letters Look Like

Maureen O'Connor · 04/13/11 05:17PM

Two days ago, we reported on the Church of Scientology's junk science relief efforts in Japan, through its Volunteer Ministry program. Now we have materials the church uses to recruit members for the ministry, which is "an effective way of getting Scientology applied on a broad, grass-roots level through the society."

More Pentagon Papers Donald Rumsfeld Doesn't Want You to See

John Cook · 04/11/11 12:30PM

In July 2004, as the Iraq War spiraled out of control, Donald Rumsfeld ordered a staffer to draw up a "What Did Not Happen?" memo—a list of potential bad outcomes that had been avoided—to make himself feel better. Things could be worse, right?

This Pimp Has a Business Plan

Adrian Chen · 12/11/10 06:34PM

As part of an investigation on human trafficking, obtained a pimp's two-page, hand-written "business plan." His business strategy includes: "Take care my bitches more better," and "set-up a international operation."