
Short Documentary Japan the Strange Country is Sheer Infographic Joy

Zach Mack · 04/12/10 04:36PM

Japanese filmmaker Kenichi Tanaka put together a short animated documentary that highlights some of the social and environmental problems that face his country, ranging from alarming food waste to chopstick consumption to an alarming suicide rate.

Can This Man (and His Millions) Save The Dying Genre Of Documentary Film?

STV · 07/17/08 04:00PM

Ted Leonsis never spent a dollar he didn't think would somehow change the world. And after generating a few billion at AOL, buying a hockey franchise and dabbling for a while in Web 2.0, it was just a matter of time before he jumped into movies, where change follows the money faster (and certainly more glamorously) than any other industry in which he hadn't already staked a claim. And, like untold scores of entrepreneurs before him, Leonsis's first couple tries — as producer of the documentaries Nanking and Kicking It — flailed in the marketplace. That'll happen.