
Aziz Ansari Wants Your Spit

Matt Cherette · 11/24/11 06:40PM

Are you a fan of Parks and Recreation? Do you hate cancer? If so, then you'll dig this clever new PSA from, which stars Aziz Ansari and Chris Pratt urging people to "Give a Spit" about blood cancer (and hopefully save a life in the process). So go spit all over them! I mean, if you're into that sort of thing. [via YouTube]

Rainn Wilson Wants You To Do Something

Ruhi Shamim · 11/07/10 04:30PM

Rainn Wilson's celebrity activism extends beyond playing Dwight Schrute, the local beet farmer on The Office. Check out his video message to us soon-to-be engaged citizens for the non-profit organization, Do Something. Hooray for social media.