
Facebook's Brandee Barker hides from camera while denying Microsoft buyout

Nicholas Carlson · 09/17/08 04:00PM

BoomTown's Kara Swisher went to Palo Alto’s MacArthur Park restaurant for a luncheon hosted by Germany’s Hubert Burda Media yesterday, the organizers of the DLD conference. A target of her shaky videocam work: Facebook flack Brandee Barker, who hid behind a fern. Asked if Microsoft was buying Facebook, Barker shouted, "Never!" Brave words, if not exactly consistent with Facebook's fiduciary duties to shareholders to consider all reasonable offers. Besides Barker, Swisher captured Silicon Valley figures like nerd chanteuse Randi Zuckerberg; Wired writer Steven Levy, fresh from his fly-on-the-wall writeup of the making of Google's Chrome browser; and layoff-happy Loic Le Meur. The crowd is shown descending into a happy drunkenness, giggling about Wall Street all the way down. After the jump, the full clip and a guide to the best moments:Click to view

Marissa Mayer demonstrates Google's new "invisible cupcake" technology, currently in beta

Jackson West · 07/29/08 06:00PM

Marissa Mayer resorts to hand gestures to explain complex concepts in terms inferior non-Googlers can understand at last January's DLD conference in Munich, Germany. The four photos in the series also provide an uncanny visual metaphor for Google's initially hot but eventually cooled interest in purchasing Digg. Can you come up with a better caption? Do so in the comments. The best one will become this post's new headline. Yesterday's winner: "Check out what they were giving away at the PerkettPR booth!" by auntanna. (Photo by Getty/Oliver Lang)

Who's going to TechTalk Menorca, the Balearic boondoggle?

Owen Thomas · 05/09/08 05:20PM

Martin Varsavsky, the founder of Wi-Fi startup Fon, has concocted another excuse for Web 2.0's jet set to rack up frequent-flier miles and buy carbon offsets: It's called Menorca TechTalk, held on Varsavsky's ranch on the Mediterranean island this weekend. The website is password-protected, but Valleywag got a list of who's going. It's a curious mix of professional conference attendees, like Rapleaf's Auren Hoffman, Loïc Le Meur of Seesmic, TechCrunch's Michael Arrington, and David Sifry of Technorati, mixed in with a few people who have day jobs. There are even Googlers on the list — and when have you known those lot to leave the protective bubble of Mountain View? Oddly, Jimmy Wales did not seem to make the cut, though his New York patroness, Louise Blouin MacBain, is listed. In the comments, sort the TechTalkers into your preferred categories.