
Naomi Campbell Strikes Again, This Time Directing Her Much-Used Claws Towards A Police Officer

Molly Friedman · 04/03/08 02:50PM

We'd like to have a word with Naomi Campbell's anger management instructor, because apparently those classes she was forced to take after that infamous cell phone toss last year didn't do much good at all. According to People, Campbell was arrested earlier today for assaulting a police officer at London's Heathrow Airport, and while it's cute that they reference the fact that "travelers' frustrations have flared due to baggage delays" since the new Terminal 5 was constructed, we can't help but feel as though Campbell is officially out of excuses for attacking the innocent. Though throwing her cell phone at an assistant last year was certainly a step down on the crazy level from her 2000 incident attacking a PA on set, moving up to police assault moves Campbell out of the sanitation club with fellow alumnus Boy George, and into handcuffs territory. But what happened to the sweet, good-natured Naomi we witnessed on Bravo's guilty pleasure Make Me A Supermodel a few episodes ago?

Harrison Ford Pulls An Ed Norton, Demands Rewrites On A Pro-Bono Ad Campaign

Molly Friedman · 03/27/08 04:10PM

When it comes to celebrity endorsements, Harrison Ford isn't exactly known for splashing his chiseled face across billboards shilling for shower gels and cell phones (Japanese beer, as you'll see after the jump, is whole 'nother story). But according to Mediabistro, Ford recently agreed to partner with powerhouse advertising agency BBDO to develop a series of environmentally angled ads. And, apparently, Ford's developed a case of the Nortons:

David Caruso: 'What Should I Do? I Am A Grown Man With Red Hair.'

Mark Graham · 03/13/08 07:44PM

Exactly one week ago today, we ran a fairly innocuous item about David Caruso's effusive bullying of a young director on the set of CSI: Sunglasses. Unbeknownst to us at the time we posted it, this item would generate a tremendous amount of feedback from you, the Defamer community. In particular, we received one incredibly detailed recollection of Caruso's on-set behavior from a commenter with the nom de plume of OnSetSnitch. While we normally don't make a practice out of reprinting comments verbatim, this one is so full of Grade-A juice that we felt compelled to share it with a wider audience. With that, please enjoy this unfortunate (yet hilarious) tale of what it's like to work with the likes of David Caruso on a daily basis:

This Unforgivable Insult To Aretha Franklin's Dignity Will Not Stand

Ryan Tate · 02/14/08 12:15AM

Soul diva Aretha Franklin tried to teach everyone about "Respect" forty years ago, but that was before a certain young hussy named Beyoncé Knowles was even born, so now an unschooled Beyoncé has gone and called a singer other than Aretha Franklin a "queen." Oh yes, she did, and as far as anyone can tell Beyoncé is still miraculously alive, probably in hiding somewhere without access to a decent stylist or personal trainer or even her furs. Given the gravity of the situation, Franklin realized it was necessary to issue a statement to the national press reminding everyone that she is the "Queen of Soul" while the hussy Beyoncé is someone who drums up "a cheap shot for controversy." After the jump, video of the impostor queen as introduced at the Grammy Awards by the blasphemous liar Beyoncé.