
What Colors Are Your ABCs?

Tom Scocca · 09/26/13 02:58PM

The six-year-old had to have brought it up, because I can't imagine how I would have. But the argument flared so fast I don't really remember how it started. A is red, he was saying, and B is blue.

Man Named 'F— You C—sucker' Flips out on News Crew

Lauri Apple · 09/10/11 02:07PM

A crew from Portland's KGW-TV stopped by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union's headquarters in Longview, Washington to ask about the union's heated dispute with a grain terminal operator. During their truth-seeking quest they met a plaid-shirted man named Fuck You Cocksucker who threatened to break their cameras and punch their faces, insulted a "dumb motherfucker" cameraman's eyeglasses, and said he'd have them all arrested for trespassing.

Nepal Agrees to Remeasure Mount Everest

Jeff Neumann · 07/20/11 07:20AM

An apparently long running dispute between China and Nepal over the exact height of Mount Everest should be put to rest, after Nepalese officials said they would measure the mountain using GPS. Today, Nepal and China both recognize a height of 8,848 meters — but in recent border talks China has used the rock height of Mount Everest, while Nepal wants to recognize the snow height, which is about meters higher. Global positioning systems will be set up at three separate locations, but it will be two years before the official height is measured.

Guy Scores Fancy House for $16, Now Has Neighbor Issues

Lauri Apple · 07/16/11 03:09PM

To move into his brand-new home, all Kenneth Robinson had to do was fill out a form, write down that the home had been foreclosed upon and abandoned, take the form to his local courthouse, and hand over $16 to the nice clerk lady. So easy!

AMC Sticks to Its Guns in Mad Men Dispute

Brian Moylan · 03/29/11 05:25PM

There's another side to the contract dispute between Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner and AMC. We heard from an insider close to the negotiations this afternoon, who wanted to make it clear that what AMC is asking for isn't too crazy—at least in their opinion.

Is Boston Really Gonzo?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/22/10 03:23PM

Where did Hunter S. Thompson get the word "gonzo?" The accepted story's always been that it was a bit of Boston slang that a Boston newspaper editor first hung on Thompson. But—suck it Boston—that may be a myth!

I Am the Lorax, I Speak for the Trees. And for Coal Gasification.

Hamilton Nolan · 02/02/10 11:34AM

Dr. Seuss Enterprises is suing a new coal company that calls itself LoraxAG—the objection being that Dr. Seuss wrote the story "The Lorax" to encourage environmentalism, whereas LoraxAG is a fucking coal company. But the president of LoraxAG has a compelling argument of his own: "'The Lorax is the protector of the truffula trees,' he told [a trade publication]. 'We think this is the greenest use of coal.'"