Donald Duck's Wandering Hand Lands Disney in Court
Jeff Neumann · 01/04/11 05:13AMThe fondling lawsuit involving the Epcot Center's gropey Donald Duck is going to court.
The fondling lawsuit involving the Epcot Center's gropey Donald Duck is going to court.
Today, the Disney Parks Christmas Parade took place in California and Florida. Naturally, the event closed with a performance of "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey—who sat down for much of it. Watch inside.
On tonight's Factor, Bill O'Reilly gave a "Reality Check" to bong-hitting Miley Cyrus regarding a video that surfaced last week showing the teen star smoking the hallucinogen salvia. O'Reilly's assessment of Cyrus' behavior? "Pathetic." Watch him chew her out, inside.
In this 1951 Disney cartoon, the fifties-everyman version of Goofy sets about on a quest to stop smoking cigarettes, but it's not so simple. Enough time without his smokes leaves the Goof begging for anything to puff on, including weed!
Just last week, a man was found murdered inside his condo in the creepy Disney town, Celebration, Florida. Then early this morning, after shooting at deputies and barricading himself inside his Disney condo, 52-year-old Craig Foushee killed himself. Damn.
In honor of Walt Disney Animation's 50th full length feature "Tangled" being released next week, The Fine Brothers spoil all 50 Disney animated feature films in one take. Spoiler alert: there are a ton of "happily ever afters!"
Here's a new trailer for Tron: Legacy, Disney's noise-and-light farquel (faraway sequel?) to their 1980s adventure about a hacker who gets stuck inside a computer system of his own making. A million years later, his son goes looking for him.
"We're going to Disney baby!" exclaims mom, hoping to surprise her kids. Pause for reaction.. wait for it.. disappointment! They've been driving for the past 20 hours, the dentist was a pretty unlikely option at this point.
Disney's TRON: Legacy—and the accompanying Daft Punk soundtrack—is set to be released in December. For those of us who can't wait, tough, there's this: the French duo's new song, "Dereazzled," cut with some footage from the film itself.
It wasn't supposed to come out for two weeks, but it's here! And by "it," I mean the teaser trailer for Cars 2, Disney-Pixar's sequel to the 2006 hit (set to be released on July 24, 2011). Watch inside.
Did you know that Donald Duck is a Glenn Beck fan? At least, according to this video, edited from old Disney cartoons by artist/activist Jonathan McIntosh. Makes sense, right? He's angry, inarticulate, and white. (Mickey is probably a LaRouche supporter.)
Disneyland has resolved the big controversy over its "no Muslim headscarves on employees" rule: workers can wear the hijab, as long as it's covered by a company-issued jaunty blue beret. Cruel. Would they make Christians wear that? Yes? Wow. [NYDN]
In your finally Friday media column: CEO tells reporters to give his kid some gigs, Jon Klein got shot, the third media exec of the day falls, and Joe Halderman will skip the Emmys.
David Westin is resigning from his position as president of ABC News, which he's held since 1997, apparently because of a "long-running conflict... over the financial standing of the news division." Of course! Want to read his resignation note?
Time Warner Cable and Disney "continue to negotiate" a fee agreement today, after a midnight deadline passed. But it looks like your ESPN and ABC is safe for now, TWC customers. Looking forward to the next dozen disputes like this!