
The Satellite Pics of Pakistan's Devastating Floods

Max Read · 08/16/10 09:32PM

After three weeks of catastrophic floods in Pakistan, two million people are homeless and one-fifth of the country is underwater. These satellite photographs, taken a year apart, help show the extent of the disaster—click to see them full-size.

The Roof Is On Fire

Richard Lawson · 07/08/10 04:51PM

A large fire has broken out in a building at the corner of Houston Street and Avenue A in downtown Manhattan. Pic: joshspear Update: Looks like it's out!

Another Irrelevant Portfolio Cover Coming

Ryan Tate · 03/17/09 01:01AM

What is wrong with Joanne Lipman? Does the Portfolio editor detest business journalism? Is she trying to finally get fired? There must be some reason she's putting Sarah Palin on next month's cover.

Crisis Averted

Richard Lawson · 06/25/08 11:01AM

Gossip Girl's Ed "Chuck Bass" Westwick was in a car accident! But don't worry ladies (and gents), his leonine good looks are intact and he's still playing music.

Luck of the Drowned

Pareene · 06/17/08 02:41PM

Hey, Newsweek readers! Why not spice up your sex life with a vacation? Or go wild in Las Vegas! And hey, while you're feeling lucky, why not consider a fun trip to beautiful Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the city that is conveniently located entirely underwater for all your travel needs. [Newseek]

Entire East Side Falling Apart!

Pareene · 06/10/08 01:53PM

Cranes collapsing! Threatened power outages! Scary parades full of rowdy Spanish-speaking people! Manhattan's East Side is a veritable third-world country this week! Now, our Midtown East correspondent Ray Wert reports that, uh, "boulder-sized pieces of buildings" are falling from his apartment onto cars below. Seriously! A piece fell onto a BMW 3-Series (he edits Jalopnik, you know). His only advice is to avoid both the area and East Coast Restoration. MORE DETAILS HERE. WE WILL UPDATE AS THE SITUATION WARRANTS. STAY INDOORS. DRINK PLENTY OF FLUIDS. IMAGE OF THE DISASTER HERE AND BELOW.

Tornadoes Rip Through Kansas

ian spiegelman · 05/24/08 11:23AM

Tornadoes devastated Kansas for the second day in a row yesterday. Here is some video of the event. Now be grateful you live somewhere nice and sunny with access to a beach. That is, if you do live in a such place. I do. But I'm locked in my apartment!

Deadly Spring's First Victims Make Fox Anchor Positively Giddy

Pareene · 03/20/08 10:38AM

Fox News morning anchoress Gretchen Carlson is so thrilled about the arrival of Spring that she can't stop smiling, even when delivering the news of 13 deaths from severe weather. "Guess what—it's the first day of Spring! Whoo-hoo!" she exclaims over an aerial shot of a flooded house. She almost regains her composure: "But it's not so great for some people in the country." Amazing clip, after the jump.

Crisis! SoHo! Balthazar Espresso Machine Down!

Josh · 03/23/07 10:53AM

ALERT! The Balthazar espresso machine fell silent early this morning. The chrome behemoth went into caffeine arrest at an unknown hour and, as yet, has not been revived. A white-apron clad McNallytron told us, "Some dude is supposed to come in and fix it later, I think." But that is little solace to the snaking line of regulars ordering cappuccinos only to be offered coffee, a moment of befuddled sadness flashing across their faces. Lockhart Steele, Balthazar habitu , when reached for comment, responded, "OMG." Across Crosby Street on Spring, Starbucks staff gleefully rubbed their hand together in a moment of unguarded, unbridled schadenfreude.

Oracle's HQ stands on quaking ground

ndouglas · 04/18/06 08:36PM

One hundred years after a quake rocked San Francisco, everyone wants to know: if another big one hit, who would get crushed?

The next big quake: Who's going down?

ndouglas · 04/03/06 12:41PM

We all know the big one's coming — one day, there'll be another quake in the Valley, and the rest of the country will fall into the ocean.