
Watch the Completely Insane Trailer for Dinesh D'Souza's Movie About Clinton, the KKK, and His Own Federal Crime

Andy Cush · 03/07/16 02:23PM

“All crime is about stealing,” utters Dinesh D’Souza on the voiceover for his new film’s trailer, sounding like a stoned Bill Walton who accidentally caught a 7-Eleven shoplifter after wandering in for a cheeseburger-flavored hot dog. But D’Souza himself doesn’t have such quotidian concerns. What he’s worried about is the stealing of...America as we know it.

Adam Weinstein · 05/20/14 09:55AM

Dinesh D'Souza, onetime conservative phenom and Ann Coulter paramour, has pled guilty to federal charges that he made multiple illegal campaign donations in other people's names, including the mistress that wrecked his marriage and his presidency at a Christian college.

Did Dinesh D’Souza Use His Mistress To Break Campaign Laws?

J.K. Trotter · 01/27/14 11:37AM

Last week, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara charged the conservative firebrand Dinesh D’Souza with steering his own money to a candidate (later identified as his Dartmouth classmate Wendy Long) under the names of others—a serious violation of federal campaign finance laws. Campaign records reviewed by Gawker suggest D’Souza may have employed the names of his former mistress, his mistress’s husband, and his own personal assistant to cover his tracks.

Married Dinesh D'Souza's Mistress: Also Married

Jordan Sargent · 10/18/12 06:30PM

Another layer of intrigue has been revealed in the saga of the downfall of conservative academic and rising Evangelical star Dinesh D'Souza, who resigned from his perch atop King's College today after it was revealed that he had a fiancee while also having a wife. Right Wing Watch reports that his mistress/fiancée, Denise Odie Joseph II, was also married, and said in April that she was going to vote for Mitt Romney, "because [her] husband told her to."

Here Is the Crazy Racist Trailer for the Smash Hit Anti-Obama Documentary

Max Read · 08/27/12 11:02AM

2016: Obama's America, a conservative documentary based on a book by scholarly turtle Dinesh D'Souza, just had a breakout weekend, grabbing eighth place in the box office totals despite being on about a third as many theaters as its competition. You — a French-speaking polyamorous cosmopolitan grad-student liberal-type — have probably never seen it. What is it about, then? Judging from the trailer, which comes complete with a terrific spy-movie techno-"Middle Eastern music" soundtrack, here are some of its themes: