
Silicon Valley Girl #1: The lonely, horny geeks have chosen

Paul Boutin · 11/04/07 11:10AM

I think this photo speaks for itself. Pownce cofounder Leah Culver — no, I don't know what Pownce does don't tell me LA LA LA — has trampled the competition at Dig a Silicon Valley Girl. Rocketing women's roles in the Valley 30 years backwards, the site proves all a gal needs to make it is a videoblog and/or an early-employee gig at Google. But special thanks to all the German Splunk admins who voted for a black-and-white headshot of my wife. You guys are dorks, but with class.

Fake Steve to face angry mob at book reading

Jordan Golson · 11/01/07 05:28PM

Yes, tonight's the night. Dan Lyons as Fake Steve Jobs is meeting Segway-polo fanatic Real Steve Wozniak for an Options reading at the Menlo Park Keplers at 7:30. This is a party that we just can't miss. Some of us anyway. My boss is too cheap to let me expense a Virgin America flight cross-country. Owen "Mr. Bigglesworth" Thomas will be there, purring away. So will Megan McCarthy, the self-proclaimed "Princess of the Valley." Finally, very special correspondent Paul Boutin (boo-TAHN) will be there with his wife, Christina Noren, whom voters on Dig a Silicon Valley Girl have deemed the prettiest girl in the area. You don't want to miss that! Hit the jump to see what Fake Steve had to say the last time Woz crashed his party.

Valley geeks vote on their own unfulfilled libidos

Tim Faulkner · 10/30/07 04:05PM

New voting site Dig a Silicon Valley Girl has reached the pinnacle of loser-generated content. It makes the implicit explicit — the sex-starved id of the male-dominated Valley made tangible in a thoroughly useless, if entertainingly revealing site. DSVG recycles the social voting of Digg, mixes it with rating site HotorNot, and, we're sad to say, mixes in a thorough helping of Valleywag's archives, minus the social critique. Now lonely geeks can vote for their juvenile obsessions in public, rather than leaving juvenile comments across the Web, tittering in whispers at the next Web 2.0 event, or entertaining themselves singlehandedly to tech-news podcasts. There's only one higher purpose this site can serve: Becoming the destination for all the frustrated prepubescents who clog up the comments of sites trying to cover significant, breaking news ... like the wardrobes of videobloggers, for example.