
Gaddafi Wife Has a Sexy Picture Scandal, Many Thong Panties

Maureen O'Connor · 10/11/11 11:35AM

Well, look what burbled up in the Turkish blogosphere: pictures of deposed Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi's son Hannibal cavorting with wife Aline Skaf, who familiarizes herself with "porn star" poses, in flammable-looking lingerie. You'd think all that blood money would pay for nicer panties?

Rebels Continue Fight as Qaddafi Remains Defiant

Jeff Neumann · 08/24/11 04:42AM

Yesterday, Libyan rebels took control of Muammar Qaddafi's Bab al-Azizya air-conditioned tent compound, and celebrated by wearing his clothes, driving his golf cart, and firing heavy weapons into the air. It was a tactical and symbolic victory, but the six-month-long war is not over. Here's a roundup of some of the latest news out of Libya.

At Least 24 Killed in Libya Protests

Jeff Neumann · 02/18/11 06:52AM

Human Rights Watch yesterday reported that at least 24 demonstrators had been killed in Libya over the last two days, and some speculate that that number could be much higher. In terms of communication and the availability of reliable news, Libya closer resembles North Korea than many of its neighbors. And besides ordering riot police and special forces to crack down on protests in Benghazi and other cities, Brother Leader Muammar Qaddafi has taken a page from the Hosni Mubarak playbook, according to the HRW report:

Political Unrest Spreads to Libya

Jeff Neumann · 02/16/11 06:28AM

Libya's Brother Leader Muammar Qaddafi got a taste of the region-wide popular uprisings Tuesday night, after the government there arrested a prominent human rights activist setting off protests in the country's second-largest city, Benghazi. The BBC reports that around 2,000 people took to the streets and threw rocks and molotov cocktails at police, who responded with rubber bullets, teargas and water cannon. "Last night was a bad night," one resident told Reuters.

Totalitarianism Never Tasted So Good

Jeff Neumann · 01/22/11 02:53PM

[Dear Leader Kim Jong-il eats a tasty biscuit in this photo released today by the Korean Central News Agency. Image via AP]

Hugo Chavez Wants Someone Famous to be US Ambassador

Jeff Neumann · 01/05/11 05:32AM

Hugo Chávez doesn't like Barack Obama's nomination for US Ambassador to Venezuela, Larry Palmer, who suggested that Chávez's administration is basically a drug cartel, so Palmer was rejected. But Chávez has a few suggestions — famous people who like him!