
Steve Jurvetson is guy you can let your hair down with

Jackson West · 07/08/08 06:00PM

"Omar first introduced me to dub reggae many moons ago, and I still have his 'Omar’s Dub' tapes," writes Draper Fisher Jurvetson VC Steve Jurvetson about his friend pictured here. Have a better caption? The best one will become the new headline. Yesterday's winner: "The first child Google engineered from a 23andMe 'sample kit' waits for its brethren to hatch" by The_Chris2.0.(Photo from Steve Jurvetson)

It's niiice!

Tim Faulkner · 05/09/07 06:37PM

Pay Per Post, the sleazy blog payola network backed by DFJ, continues to try to sell its human side via its web-based reality show RockStartup. This time with the even more human than human outtake reel. It's quaint to see people tripping, or flubbing a line, or ordering too much swag with that VC green. On the other hand, most businesses wouldn't be proud to show their Chief of Sales telling a woman that she "could make a lot of money stripping" or Ted Murphy, the company's founder and CEO, recycling Borat's ubiquitous "It's niiice" when asked about a woman taking off her jacket at their conference.

Steve Jurvetson's fallback career

dtweney · 01/26/07 06:24PM

Steve Jurvetson, managing director of VC firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson and early investor in Hotmail, has a rich life. In addition to rocketry, mountain biking, astronomy, and storm-drain spelunking, Jurvetson also finds time to snap the odd photo or two. One of his pictures even made it into Maxim this month. With DFJ's investment in Tagworld on the rocks, and no big hits in Jurvetson's portfolio since the 1999 IPOs of Kana and Interwoven, maybe Steve is glad to know he can fall back on freelance photography if the whole VC thing doesn't work out.

Flipmeat roundup: Odeo, Friendster, organic humans

ndouglas · 02/07/06 10:12AM

Yahoo may buy Odeo. Seems destined, no? [TWiT via Unofficial Yahoo Weblog]
Google may buy Friendster. Main difference between Friendster and Orkut? At least Orkut has Brazilians. [SiliconBeat]
The NYT already bought news aggregator/annotator BlogRunner. So now writing the Times will cost you too. [PaidContent]
Man and machine may merge. Give it 40 years. [KurzweilAI.net]
Draper Fisher Jurvetson is funding Tagworld, another pretty-faced Myspace wannabe. [TechCrunch]