
Blowing Up New York Still The Only Idea In Entertainment

Hamilton Nolan · 03/17/08 10:03AM

Fabulous new idea for a video game: the destruction of New York City! You're just one man with a bunch of guns, and the Nazis are bombing Manhattan. They're blowing up the buildings! They're blowing up the Statue of Liberty! It'll be great. Who doesn't want to see NYC's violent demolition played out in digital graphics? I do! No, seriously, I might buy this one. But I will swear off the "violent demolition of NYC" movies. One medium at a time. After the jump, the full trailer for the new game, "Turning Point: Fall of Liberty," the latest in the disconcerting procession of entertainment based on Gotham's death. See if you can find your home exploding!

'Cloverfield' Monster Wreaks Havoc On Corporate Competitor

Pareene · 01/15/08 12:29PM

Jeff Bercovici went to an advance screening of the upcoming viral-marketed New York-destroying moster film Cloverfield. The still-unnamed monster of the film apparently causes a bit of destruction to the hideous Columbus Circle Time Warner buildings. "But bear in mind that Cloverfield was produced by Paramount, which is owned by Viacom. Coincidence," Becovici asks, "or corporate wish fulfillment?" We're guessing filmmaking. Viacom's building does not look like it'd be awesome to knock over. [Portfolio]

New York Under Yet More Attack From Crappy CGI

Pareene · 01/14/08 01:19PM

Everyone is always destroying New York all the time. Now the damn National Geographic Channel has decided to borrow a page from Animal Planet and direct their focus away from mating gazelles and toward death and doom for us all. The video below popped up on the front page of Dailymotion today. It's a promo for the upcoming NatGeo special "Six Degress Could Change the World," which is about global warming and not how we're all connected to '80s leading men (or Sidney Poitier). Remember: in the event of 25 feet of water drowning New York, stay inland or with Dennis Quaid. [National Geographic]

Raging Hipsters Document Parties Well

Joshua Stein · 04/17/07 02:14PM

If there is one thing hipsters like doing above and beyond destroying property, it's documenting themselves destroying property. Saturday night's hipster wrath party, documented in these pages yesterday, provided the perfect opportunity to preserve the partyer's youthful exuberance on tape for a later date.