
Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/13 09:50AM

A week after a harsh Senate report on how derivatives cost JPMorgan billions, Congress seeks to deregulate derivatives.

Jamie Dimon Is Whining Again

Jim Newell · 03/31/11 01:47PM

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, the princess of Wall Street, is venting again about the ignorant public and regulators whose "misconceptions" are blocking them from seeing the glory and perfection that comes with a fully unregulated financial services sector.

Are We Going to Get Financial Reform, or What?

Max Read · 04/22/10 01:31AM

Good news! A Republican helped move a crucial component of financial regulatory reform through a procedural hurdle today, which marks the first time a Republican has helped a Democrat since, oh, the Civil War. But there's bad news too, right?