
Hey, At Least They Got A T-Shirt

Rebecca · 03/28/08 03:59PM

When Dennis FitzSimons left the Tribune Co. in December, he got a $41 million payout. Awesome for him, offensive for everyone else. And as a joke on fate's cruelty to work-a-day journalists, the Hartford Courant handed out t-shirts that said "My CEO walked off with $41 million and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!" Nothing says motivation like a shirt to wear to the gym. [Romenesko]

Maggie · 12/19/07 02:20PM

Tribune Company CEO Dennis FitzSimons has announced he's stepping down at the end of the year. "I will miss working with you to help achieve the many great things that are ahead for Tribune," he says. New owner Sam Zell, the wildman billionaire who bought the company in April, will replace him as chairman of the board. "It was Sam's creativity, personal commitment and investment which made this transaction possible." Well, yes, his creativity, but mostly his $8.2 billion. [Romenesko]