
Local Police Confirm This House Is Haunted By Demons

Ken Layne · 01/27/14 05:05PM

A police captain in Gary, Indiana, says he believes a family's claims of supernatural terror in a rental house they've since fled. Levitating children, swarms of flies in wintertime, mysterious footprints, invisible friends, another child "walking backward up a wall in the presence of a family case manager and hospital nurse"—this movie-ready tale even features screaming Catholic priests performing exorcisms.

Rich Juzwiak · 09/30/13 05:07PM

"I love Madonna to death, but she's never going to give me that damn baton. I'll probably turn into more of a Joni Mitchell," says Katy Perry, who apparently has never listened to Joni Mitchell or tried to pry anything from her cold, dead painter hands.

Is Jim Cramer Delusional or Just an Idiot?

John Cook · 06/22/09 04:09PM

On CNBC today, Jim Cramer had the gall to attack someone for saying things that aren't, in his mind at least, true. Because you shouldn't say things that aren't true! Prepare yourself for a ridiculous clip.

Ad Industry Not Scared Of Wall Street Apocalypse

Hamilton Nolan · 09/17/08 08:33AM

"Financial ad spending might be soft over the next quarter or so," an executive tells Adweek today. We were like, ha, might be? "Soft?" Quite a gift for understatement, greasy ad dude. Or so we thought! But the optimistic take on reality is that the burning of Wall Street might not be so bad for the ad industry. In fact for some lucky agencies, it will be a freaking bonanza!

Gossip Girl Actor Wants to Be Respected For His 'Acting'

Richard Lawson · 07/01/08 10:55AM

Call the wahmbulance! Chace Crawford thinks he's being used for his good looks. The Gossip Girl actor often questions the show runners when they want him to appear shirtless, mostly because he wants to preserve the integrity of his acting. He tells the magazine: "There was an episode where we were crashed out on the sofa after a big night out and they wanted me to wake up in my boxers, so I argued with them about it. I mean, first of all, who gets wasted with their buddy, and smokes weed and then strips down to their boxers before they pass out on the couch?! No one does that. Why am I naked on my buddy's couch? It was weird so I fought it." Some people probably do that! Plus, Chace, really? Don't be that way. We all know why you're on the show.


Richard Lawson · 05/05/08 05:05PM

Click here to read Lara Cohen, of Us Weekly, try to defend her tabloid-lite magazine by saying the the real tabloid is the news media, because they've been covering the Rev. Wright hullabaloo so very much. Star-Ledgers, they're just like Us! Um, sort of!

Flack Ronn Torrosian Says He Placed 'Times' Piece On Joe Francis

Emily Gould · 12/17/07 05:30PM

We've been asked to clarify an earlier post about jailed wild-girl exploiter Joe Francis, who managed not to make himself look good in the New York Times Styles section this weekend in spite of being given every opportunity to do so. We'd suggested that publicist Mike Sitrick was responsible for the good placement—but 5W Public Relations flack Ronn Torrosian begs to differ: "please call gawker let them know you rep him not mike that got him the piece in NY times. Fix it and let him know," reads an email from Ronn's assistant Katrina, forwarded to us (on purpose? Maybe!) by Ronn.

Audrina From "The Hills" Thinks Justin Bobby Loves Her For Her

Doree Shafrir · 08/30/07 02:20PM

Anyone who's been watching MTV's sorta-reality show The Hills this season knows that Audrina—the kind of hanger-on in star Lauren Conrad's orbit who managed to worm her way into Lauren's life and become her roommate and new BFF once former BFF Heidi spread those nasty rumors about her and started dating the spawn of Satan—has this kind of vapidness that either indicates she's really, really stupid, or she's just decided to play the stupid one on the show. Because really, it boggles the mind to think that she actually believes that her loser ex-boyfriend just magically decided to reappear in her life during the third season of her wildly successful reality TV show! But that seems to be what she's throwing down.

AOL Denies Its Copying Of Yahoo

confonz · 05/04/07 03:01PM

CONFONZ — The lovely thing about having a relatively well read gossip blog is that people bring the gossip to you. Case in point: the AOL Beta that resembles Yahoo's page. Someone inside AOL, or at least, inside AOL's heating ducts, brings us this report on the words of Ron Grant at yesterday's AOL management summit.