
STV · 05/14/08 07:05PM

And now, a very important public service announcement from Defamer: Tomorrow begins the annual Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month, a period of close scrutiny SHIT FIRE ENGINE WOOOOOOOOO HONK!!! of the ravages of and treatments available for this mysterious neurological disorder affecting an APPLE PIE DOGCUNT!!! estimated 200,000 Americans. "Although coverage on the air and in print has led thousands of children and adults to proper diagnosis of the condition, many more are troubled by symptoms which remain undiagnosed," said Judit Ungar, executive director of CHICKEN CHICKEN FUCKTWAT ROHYYYYPNOLLLLL!!!! the Tourette Syndrome Association, in a statement released today. Ungar added that the primary goal of TS Awareness Month is to encourage people to seek HUMPHUMPHUMPHUMP!!!!! medical attention for potential symptoms, which include rapid eye blinking, involuntary jerking or shrugging, or, in about 15 percent of cases, the manifestation of ASSCOCK MICK JAGGER!!!! obscene phrases (coprolalia) or gestures (copropraxia). Spread the word about Tourette Syndrome this month and every month, and visit the Association's Web site for more information on how you can get involved with BABY JESUS VAGINA!!!! finding a cure. [TSA]

mark · 09/07/07 04:26PM

"IMPORTANT NEWS! SHOULD BE COVERED! We here at The Daily Reel are noticing a serious Blackberry outage in terms of receiving email. Is this industry-wide or just central to the Sunset Strip? And WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?" Anyone? We don't have Blackberries because we're not allowed to ever leave our desks, but has life in Hollywood suddenly come to a standstill because of a tragic mobile e-mail outage? Let us know if you see any agents out for a late lunch lighting themselves on fire out of anguish because their inboxes haven't seen any action for a couple of hours.

mark · 07/09/07 02:10PM

Hurry, for you have only nine or so hours to come up with the $5,400 it currently takes to win a dinner with Spinal Tap. Proceeds will benefit Live Earth, which promises to donate your bid to film Cameron Diaz promos with better production values for the organization's next event. [eBay]