
Adam Weinstein · 04/25/14 10:35AM

Former associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States John Paul Stevens wanna legalize it and blaze up that blunt so hard. Man, if only he still worked someplace that could effect that sort of change.

Philly Saved $2 Million by Not Prosecuting Small-Time Potheads

Max Read · 07/09/11 04:09PM

Hello, cities facing a budget crisis! If you would like to spend less money, might we suggest not taking small-time marijuana busts to court? Philadelphia did it last year, and the city saved $2 million. Plus, think of all the money you can make if you tax Snoballs!

Connecticut Decriminalizes Marijuana

Max Read · 06/07/11 08:48PM

Connecticut became the 13th state to decriminalize marijuana on Tuesday with the passage of new legislation in the House of Representatives. Possession of less than a half-ounce of pot will garner you a $150 fine (one that increases with subsequent offenses); if you're under 21, you'll get a two-month suspension of your driver's license. Connecticut could save some $885,000 in court costs and attorney salaries, and make as much as $1.4 million in fines and fees, not to mention the obvious economic benefits for convenience stores. [Hartford Courant; image, of a Connecticut State Police officer removing a pot plant in 1996, via AP]

Pat Robertson Wants the Devil's Weed Decriminalized

Jim Newell · 12/22/10 05:51PM

Whatever happened to the culture warriors? Everyone is either a gay soldier or a black president nowadays. Or perhaps even a pot decriminalizing televangelist? This is old Pat Robertson, now. Pat Robertson is sick of the War on Marijuana.