
Hamilton Nolan · 06/30/14 11:05AM

From Bloomberg today: "About 600,000 Chinese a year die from working too hard, according to the China Youth Daily. China Radio International in April reported a toll of 1,600 every day." What?? Chinese readers, please weigh in below on the veracity of this, if you are still alive.

Lovesick Cannibal Eats the Heart of His Ex's New Boyfriend

Andy Cush · 06/12/14 11:10AM

Everyone knows heartbroken men are prone to irrational behavior. One scorned lover might show up outside his old flame's house, waking her with the very loud Peter Gabriel song that's emanating from his boombox; another might find his ex's new guy, stab him in the chest, and eat his heart with a knife and fork.

Dead Guru's Followers Stick Him In Freezer, Claim He's "Meditating"

Adam Weinstein · 05/30/14 02:50PM

The family of India's wealthiest guru, with an estate reportedly valued at $167 million, believes he died of a heart attack in late January. But his followers have spirited him away to a temple freezer and refuse to turn his body over because, they say, "he has been in deep meditation."

Idiot Millennials Not Ready to Die Yet

Hamilton Nolan · 05/29/14 09:06AM

Entitled members of the "millennial" generation—is there anything that they cannot destroy with their devil-may-care sense of youthful self-regard? The answer is "no." Millennials are now destroying even death.

Ga. Teen Tied to Shopping Cart Drowns After Being Pushed In Lake

Dayna Evans · 05/26/14 06:35PM

Chance Werner, an eighteen-year-old from Cartersville, Georgia died on Saturday after he was tied to a shopping cart and pushed into a Lake Allatoona only hours after graduating from high school. The death was a result of a botched game he was playing with friends.

Hamilton Nolan · 05/09/14 10:08AM

The trend of Wall Street banks coddling their disgustingly weak employees continues: Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman said that the death of one young banker last year after round-the-clock work "has caused everyone to step back and say, 'Hey, have we got this right?'"

L.A. Wins "Least Breathable Air" Title

Hamilton Nolan · 04/30/14 08:53AM

Say what you will about Los Angeles—that it's a hellpit of plastic-enhanced heathens teetering on the brink of seismic annihilation, for example—but give the city this: it has America's worst air.

Driver Who Fatally Injured Teen Now Suing Dead Teen's Family

Kelly Conaboy · 04/26/14 01:25PM

A woman who struck three teens on bikes while driving her SUV, killing one and injuring the others, is now suing the deceased teen, his family, and the other two boys. She is claiming $1.35 million in damages for her psychological suffering.

Bury The Dead

Leigh Stein · 04/19/14 12:53PM

On January 24, 2009, my college classmate Julian was killed in a roadside bomb blast in Afghanistan. He was twenty-five years old, and his was the first combat death in Afghanistan during the Obama presidency. His death was also the first I learned of from a Facebook wall.