
Hearst's E-Reader: The Last Stand of a Doomed Industry

Owen Thomas · 02/27/09 01:15PM

Dear media companies: Please stop trying to innovate. You're lousy at it. Hearst's supposed "Kindle killer," an electronic reader for magazines, is just the latest in a series of debacles from the moribund print-media business.

Only a Cable Guy Could Come Up With Newsday's Pay-Only Scheme

Owen Thomas · 02/26/09 07:00PM

Pundits will say Newsday's desperate plan to charge for the Long Island newspaper's website is some kind of bellwether for the industry. What it really means: Newsday and its owner, Cablevision, have nothing to lose.

How Not to Save Newspapers

Owen Thomas · 02/05/09 01:04PM

Micropayments are the future of content! If I had a nickel for every time I heard that one. Walter Isaacson, a former managing editor of Time, is the latest to pick up this tired banner.

Print Media Is Officially Scary Now

Owen Thomas · 01/21/09 02:36PM

Mailing it in for Hamilton Nolan, who's, er, on assignment, I'm here with your post-inaugural, Nobama media column.

Google Boss to Newspapers: No Bailout

Owen Thomas · 01/07/09 01:20PM

Everyone wants a sugar daddy to save them. Wall Street has found one in Washington. But the newspaper industry has been batting its eyes in the direction of Mountain View, Calif., home of Google. Ha!, Magazine United at Last by Layoffs

Owen Thomas · 01/06/09 03:59PM

We hear Forbes, the fussily conservative business magazine, is laying off Web and print staff today, and merging the surviving editors and writers into a single newsroom. It only took them a decade.