
Metallica Guitarist Accidentally Kicks a Child

Maureen O'Connor · 11/16/10 04:18PM

During a Sydney performance of "Seek and Destroy," Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett is kicking balloons around the stage. He winds up, swings his foot, and—uh oh. Was that a child that just went flying?

This Girl Shoots Basketballs Like a Machine

Matt Cherette · 11/15/10 01:29PM

One of the world's most popular arcade games is the basketball one—you know, where you have about a minute to sink as many hoops as possible. Well, you have nothing on this girl. Watch (and be amazed) inside.

Former Terrible NFL QB May Run Against Nancy Pelosi

Jim Newell · 11/12/10 05:06PM

Do any Democrats dare challenge the omnipotent Nancy Pelosi for minority leader? Well, one ultra-conservative Blue Dog who's technically a Democrat may, if that counts. He's North Carolina Rep. Heath Shuler: Inexperienced backbencher. Legendarily shitty NFL quarterback. Democratic party savior?

The 'Top 10' Office Email That's Scandalizing Ireland

Hamilton Nolan · 11/10/10 03:55PM

Accounting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) is mired in scandal after a group of 17 male employees in Dublin started forwarding around a "top 10" list of their picks for the most attractive female employees in the office. We have it.

I Had a One-Night Stand With Christine O'Donnell

Remy Stern · 10/28/10 12:50PM

Three years ago this week, an intoxicated Christine O'Donnell showed up at the apartment of a 25-year-old Philadelphian and ended up spending the night in his bed. Here's his story—and photos—of his escapade with the would-be Delaware senator.

British Teen Boys Just Can't Stop Kissing Each Other

Richard Lawson · 10/28/10 11:43AM

In a new study done by a sociologist at Bath University, 89% of straight-identifying high school and university boys said they had kissed male friends. 37% had experienced "sustained" kissing with male friends. What the bloody 'ell is going on?

South Park's Sexting Advice for Brett Favre

Matt Cherette · 10/27/10 09:31PM

Since 30 Rock (here) and SNL (here) already threw in their two cents re: Brett Favre's sexting scandal, it seems only natural that South Park would be next. Watch as Cartman visits "Captain Hindsight," who has some advice for Favre.

This Guy Is Really Into Car Crashes

Matt Cherette · 10/25/10 01:40PM

Here's a fan-recorded video from the Last Chance Heat 2 at Ipswich World Final 2010 race, featuring several cars crashing into each other. The crashes don't make the video entertaining, though—the guy's insanely excited voiceover does (NSFW language).

What Your Facebook Profile Photo Says About You

Brian Moylan · 10/21/10 12:07PM

Choosing a Facebook profile photo is very serious business. It's the visual that will greet high school acquaintances, jealous exes, and your parents' friends when they search you out. The image you project is entirely determined by your photo choice.