
TechCrunch slams Scoble for adding ads

Jordan Golson · 01/25/08 03:20PM

Robert Scoble is putting advertisements on his blog starting on or after March 3, when his new online-video channel with Fast Company launches. We spoke to Scoble, who's currently attending the Davos Forum in Switzerland.

Google Founder's Wife Wants Elite Journalist Spit

Nick Denton · 01/18/08 04:57PM

Anne Wojcicki, wife of the search engine's Sergey Brin, has a special offer for those select journalists invited to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The first 50 reporters to show up will receive a complimentary DNA test from 23andMe, the personal genome service which Wojcicki founded with a little financial help from her billionaire husband. The company's most exciting offering: an "odds calculator", which indicates the likelihood of the subjects falling victim to common journalistic ailments such as heart disease, and Alzheimers. What about technological redundancy? After the jump, the full release.

TechCrunch editor not speaking at Davos

Paul Boutin · 11/12/07 08:45PM

"After the public lynching over the weekend where I was attacked for not attending a conference that I never agreed to attend," blogs TechCrunch honcho Michael Arrington, "I've canceled all upcoming speaking engagements." But he's still going to Davos in January. Do the math: Arrington isn't going to make any public presos at Davos — he's just part of the audience. They'll let him blog it. So don't get all huffypants about how Mike's going and you're not.

(Photo by Dan Farber/ZDNet)

Gavin Newsom in Second Life, pre-scandal

Chris Mohney · 02/08/07 05:20PM

In the scant few days before his sex scandal broke, San Fran Mayor Gavin Newsom attended the Davos conference once again (though probably not on the Google jet this time). Nevertheless, he managed to appear for a Reuters interview in Second Life, which is only slightly more boring to watch than sex in Second Life. Mostly dry fare, though Newsom notes that of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Al Gore, one of those three will not appear in photos with him due to the publicity around Newsom's marrying of gay couples. We're guessing the other two might be steering clear of him for awhile as well. Best quote about Second Life: "Just in case the public gets fed up with the real me, I can point them here." As can we.

John Battelle's gag order

dtweney · 01/26/07 03:15PM

The World Economic Forum is an elite, invitation-only event in Davos, Switzerland, where the most powerful people in the universe gather to talk about how they're going to carve up the world in the coming year. This year, the invitees included A-list bloggers Arianna Huffington and John Battelle So where's all the Davos coverage? Locked up in the bloggers' feverish brains, since most events at Davos are off the record. Battelle is left stammering: "You'll have to trust me that the insights, conversations, and information I gathered will certainly inform the musings I post here. I just can't be specific to the who, what, and where." Well, that leaves when, why, and how, at least. Could this be a weird kind of reverse-psychology buzz-generating trick by the Davos organizers?