
How to burn through $800,000 of daddy's money on a blog network

Nicholas Carlson · 04/08/08 05:00PM

A source tells us San Francisco-based blog network Green Options Media will shutter by June, having burned through at least $800,000 in a little under two years. Blame cofounder David Anderson. This "arrogant wankhammer wantrepreneur," in the source's colorful description, funded the blog network with an early inheritance from his father, who now plans to pull the plug on the operation. Still clinging to hope, Anderson is said to be frantically trying to raise money as the blog network burns through $60,000 a month. Problem is: monthly pageviews across the entire 14-blog network have yet to pass 600,000. Update: David Anderson responds in the comments below.

Does your VC have a Democrat in his pocket?

Nicholas Carlson · 01/23/08 05:20PM

Senator Clinton polls higher than Senator Obama in Santa Clara County, 43 percent to 27 percent, a Clinton campaign staffer told the Wall Street Journal. But we know what really counts in Silicon Valley: money. And when it comes to raising cash, Barack Obama's winning over the tech crowd. He raised about $500,000 just last weekend at a breakfast in Atherton. Wondering who was there? Here's a list of known Silicon Valley supporters for each candidate.