
Viral Misstep Proves Daniel Waters' Persona Is No Threat to Diablo Cody

STV · 04/03/08 03:15PM

Just in time for the opening of his new film Sex and Death 101, writer-director and comb-overed Avatar of Disillusionment Daniel Waters offers viewers a not-quite-rollicking video tour of his famous home. After Wednesday's mopey LA Times profile, we frankly expected a livelier plunge into the self-effacement and irony only the screenwriter of Hudson Hawk could muster. Alas, as now immortalized on YouTube, Waters' enclave bears the unique distinction of being the house where A) Orson Welles died and B) viral marketing goes to die. Also: When Woody Allen is done suing the spandex pants off American Apparel for unauthorized use of his likeness in ads, we suspect he'll be coming after Waters for the same. [YouTube]

Step Aside, Diablo, And Let Daniel Waters Show You What 'Different' Looks Like

employeemegan · 04/02/08 03:10PM

It seems that Heathers writer Daniel Waters is shoring up his cult following in the wake of Diablo Cody, Brad Ingelsby and newly crowned "it" scribe Tollbooth Guy. In a Los Angeles Times profile hailing his return, Waters digs deep and delivers the johnny-come-latelies a clear message: just because you wrote Hudson Hawk and Demolition Man, it doesn't mean you're not certifiably out-there. Defamer breaks down the methods of his madness, below (but be warned — only a person with the exact right balance of self-worth and self-loathing should attempt such a feat at home).