
Adam Weinstein · 01/24/14 02:09PM

Twelve years ago yesterday, reporter Daniel Pearl was abducted in Pakistan, looking for 9/11 leads. He was ultimately beheaded on video by the jihadist lunatic he sought. Read Asra Nomani's touching tribute to Pearl—and her ultimate proof of his murderer's identity.

Mormon Church to Members: Quit Baptizing Dead Jews

Louis Peitzman · 03/03/12 10:36AM

Researcher and ex-Mormon Helen Radkey raised some eyebrows when she reported that a Mormon temple in Idaho had baptized deceased Jewish reporter Daniel Pearl. But it doesn't stop there. Radkey also discovered posthumous baptisms of Anne Frank and Holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal's family. Needless to say, the Jewish community isn't thrilled, and the Mormon higher-ups have been forced to take action. (Read: they sent out a letter.)

Proxy Baptism of the Day: Daniel Pearl

Caity Weaver · 03/01/12 09:33PM

The Boston Globe has reported that last year members of the Mormon Church posthumously baptized Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal reporter captured and killed in Pakistan in 2002, allegedly by 9/11 plotter Khalid Sheik Mohammed.

Pathetic Storage Bin For Media Crap Opens Soon

balk · 05/08/07 10:40AM

The Newseum, a gallery dedicated to the profession of journalism, is almost ready for visitors! Soon-to-be-former Times media reporter Kit Seelye takes a look at the monument to press freedom, decidedly one of the most expensive museums under construction.

Angelina Jolie Rides Public Transit, Ethnicity Train

Chris Mohney · 11/13/06 03:40PM

Hey there, Angelina Jolie, when you're not adopting babies or fainting all over the place, how's it going with A Mighty Heart? In the biopic, Angelina plays Marianne Pearl, wife of Wall Street Journal journalist Daniel Pearl, who was murdered in Pakistan in 2002; Dan Futterman plays Daniel. Above, Futterman and Jolie enjoy a stroll through a Mumbai train station, and it does appear that Jolie has cut down a bit on the brownface. Futterman bears a decent resemblance to Danny Pearl, though obviously a little hunked up. Apparently they weren't mobbed by local fans until they actually boarded the train, at which point bodyguards had to shoo away "young students yelling Jolie's name." Huge, huge journalism fans over there in Mumbai.

The Academy Shall Not Overlook the Caucasian Sacrifice

Jessica · 10/10/06 10:50AM

Angelina Jolie is in India, where she's started filming on the Daniel Pearl biopic, A Mighty Heart. Jolie stars as the slain journalist's wife, Mariane, who is half-Cuban. So how does a white actress up her ethnic factor for an accurate portrayal? By sporting brownface and what appears to be a wig from the Lisa Bonet line.