
The Dallas Police Department Was Completely Winging It When It Used a Killer Robot Last Month

Andy Cush · 08/09/16 01:20PM

After Dallas police officers used a bomb-carrying robot last month to kill the sniper Micah X. Johnson, it was widely reported that the incident marked the first time an American law enforcement agency had used that technique. But it appears that the bombing was not only unprecedented, but utterly unplanned-for: According to the Dallas Police Department’s open records team, the department has no written rules, guidelines, or protocols for how or when to use bomb-carrying robots against suspects.

Maybe You Guys Should Delete This Tweet (UPDATE: They Deleted the Tweet)

Andy Cush · 07/08/16 03:23PM

Hours after the Dallas Police Department sparked a manhunt for Mark Hughes, a protester who was carrying a licensed and unloaded rifle at yesterday’s march through downtown where five officers were killed, a tweet urging followers to “help us find him!” is still online. Hughes was not in fact involved with the shooting, and his attorney said that he’s received “thousands” of death threats after being misidentified.

I Watched Michael Bay's Benghazi Movie at Cowboys Stadium With 30,000 Pissed-Off Patriots

Christopher Hooks · 01/15/16 03:51PM

“Why didn’t we bomb the shit out of them?” a man asked me. “Why aren’t we bombing the shit out of ‘em? Give me a B-52 and I’ll go over there right now.” It was a chilly night in Texas, but his mind was more than 6,000 miles away, in Libya. He and I and some 30,000 other people had come to AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas—home of the Dallas Cowboys—for the outsized world premiere of 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.

Gunman Dead After Attacking Dallas Police Headquarters

Brendan O'Connor · 06/13/15 08:35AM

Dallas police are in a standoff and attempting to negotiate with a gunman in an armored vehicle after a shootout outside their headquarters, the Dallas Morning News reports. No injuries have been confirmed, but the assailant, who identified himself as James Boulware, told police he’d been wounded. [Update, 2:05 p.m.: The man, whose identity has still not been confirmed, is dead.]

Paul Rudd Sat Idly by (Thousands of Miles Away) During Homophobic Attack

Jordan Sargent · 10/27/14 03:45PM

Today, the internet has ascribed an inspiring bit of heroism to Paul Rudd, after video surfaced this weekend of a man who almost, kind of looks like Paul Rudd helping to prevent an alleged hate crime at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport (as shown in the video above). Alas, @TheRealPaulRudd was actually thousands of miles away, likely doing nothing, while real American heroes got their hands dirty.