Pay No Attention To The "Dead Man Walking" Sign On Lloyd Grove's Back
abalk2 · 07/17/06 01:46PM
Is Daily News gossip columnist Lloyd Grove, whose contract is almost certain to get renewed in spite of the continuous disavowals of, oh, anyone with any specific knowledge of the situation, being placed in solitary confinement? According to Women's Wear Daily, "A copy of a new seating chart that circulated at the New York Daily News late last week sparked renewed interest in the fate of gossip columnist Lloyd Grove. The chart, which showed a reorganized features department, did not allot a place for Grove to sit. Employees believed this might finally signal the end of Grove's time at the paper." Well, we've obtained a copy of that chart, and, based on our careful examination, we have to agree with Lloyd that his position at The News is secure — though it's an open secret that he's running out the clock until the paper dispenses with his services and he's forced to slink back to covering dinner parties in Alexandria, Va.