
Everyone Just Can't Wait For Piers Morgan to Get Arrested

John Cook · 07/20/11 01:55PM

Puffy British game-show presenter Piers Morgan, who also hosts a show on CNN about Twitter, is in the spotlight these days because he formerly edited Rupert Murdoch's News of the World and a competitor called the Daily Mirror, and as such is prima facie guilty of hacking into everyone's voicemails all the time.

Naomi Campbell Asks the Questions Now

Chris Mohney · 01/17/07 08:20AM

In addition to finally copping to her cell-phone maid assault, Naomi Campbell has somehow scored a sweet interviewer's gig with British GQ. This supposedly came about due to Naomi's stellar performance when grilled for GQ by an old enemy, i.e. columnist Piers Morgan; he had to pay her $1.7 million in damages in 2004, back when he edited the Daily Mirror and his paper invaded her privacy by running pictures of her attending NarcAnon meetings. One assumes that most of Naomi's interview questions will revolve around the location of her jeans.