
Experience Breeds Cynicism

Hamilton Nolan · 01/04/10 10:46AM

A survey finds that idealistic youngsters who complete two years teaching at a poor school for Teach For America subsequently become burned-out cynics with "lower rates of civic involvement" than their non-TFA peers. Schools: Destroying American idealism since 1639. [NYT]

Buy Courtney Love's Fat Jeans On Ebay!

Emily · 04/25/07 09:11AM

We all know that perpetually embattled songstress-natureforce Courtney Love has shed a few pounds recently by some means or other. ("No doctor would do gastric bypass, even if I begged. No lipo, no gastric, no tummy tuck. I can't believe how cynical people are," she told Us Weekly. Us neither!) Now, she's shedding her old large stuff, like this pair of size 8 Marc Jacobs pink and black pinstripe pants, via eBay. Sure, $99 seems like a lot to pay for a pair of slacks that have contained Courtney Love, but all proceeds go to the Chrysalis Organization, an organization that helps homeless people and ex-cons find jobs. It turns out that Courtney Love is a big humanitarian! Well, not as big as she used to be.