Surprise! Bristol Palin Secretly Sues Levi Johnston for Custody of Tripp
Adrian Chen · 12/29/09 12:57AMSharon Stone Wants Her Baby Back, Baby Back, Baby Back…
Nick Malis · 09/24/08 05:30PM
Sharon Stone lost custody of her 8-year-old son Roan on Tuesday when a San Francisco judge ruled that her ex-husband Phil Bronstein should have “permanent sole physical custody” of the child. But why? Could this be the very same karma that Stone said caused the horrific earthquake in China a few months ago? Surprisingly, it's not nearly that dramatic — the judge didn’t base his decision on Eastern philosophy at all.But we almost wish he had. According to court documents, His Honor simply thought it’d be better for Roan if he were to continue going to school in San Francisco instead of moving to LA with his mom; staying with Bronstein will “provide a more structured continuity, stable, secure and consistent home that...Roan needs.” Stone’s lawyer Martin Singer, of course, was quick to point out that this decision has nothing to do with her fitness as a mother. After all, she is still retaining custody of her two adopted children. And if Stone decides to move to San Francisco, the decision can be reversed. So while Stone may remain crazy, this scenario appears to be unrelated, maybe even resolvable. For once, a Stone story sounds perfectly reasonable to us. [Photo Credit: Getty Images]