
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 10/13/13 08:51AM

Pedialyte, a drink meant for sick infants, saw a 16 percent increase in sales in August after college kids across America adopted it as a miracle hangover cure. Scientists are skeptical, however. Hungover of America, is this the breakthrough we've been waiting for?

Narcoleptic? Move to Chechnya

Jeff Neumann · 07/06/11 05:25AM

When you hear the names "Chechnya" and "Grozny" you might be reminded of images of death and destruction from the former Soviet republic's brutal wars with Moscow. Fair enough! But it's totally nice now, and is run by a Moscow-backed murderous warlord, Ramzan Kadyrov, who has an untold amount of innocent blood on his hands and likes to play soccer. In fact, Chechnya is so nice that a 9-year-old girl from Siberia who suffered from narcolepsy was sent there for six months and now she's cured. So, what's the secret? According to a statement on Chechnya's official website:

A Ugandan Witch Doctor's Crazy Cure for Gayness

Brian Moylan · 02/14/11 04:08PM

Gay British radio host Scott Mills visited a Ugandan witch doctor for a television special called The World's Worst Place to Be Gay. The doctor's cure consisted of stripping Mills to the waist, beating him with a live chicken, placing a torch over his head, and then pouring water over it. Congrats, he's no longer gay!