
Cultured Men Are Happier

Max Read · 05/23/11 11:00PM

A new study finds that men who participate in "cultural activities" — either as creators or audience members — are happier those who don't. (The effect is less pronounced in women: "Men seemed to get more of a percieved health benefit from being involved in different receptive cultural activites than women did," study author Koenraad Cuypers told LiveScience.) Is there truth to this? Well, I am very cultured — I know all the art, like the one with Jesus (?), and the one that's just one color (white, I think, or black?) — and I am very, very happy. So... yes. [dons monocle] [LiveScience]

Your Next Get-Rich-Quick Scheme: Become an Artist

Lauri Apple · 04/30/11 03:51PM

Planning on attending the spring art auctions this week? You might want to bring a spare suitcase-full-of-cash or two: At least a dozen pieces are priced in the $20 million range, including works by Picasso, Monet (pronounced Mo-neyyy), and Maurice de Vlaminck (he was a Fauve). But how can a poor struggling artist like yourself get that kind of dough?

World Cup Fans Chose Museums Over Hookers

Jeff Neumann · 07/10/10 10:20AM

Prior to the World Cup, officials in South Africa were bracing for an influx of up to 40,000 prostitutes to handle horny soccer fans. But the need never materialized, with visitors largely choosing "cultural" activities, like art museums, instead.

Tupac Lives! (In the Library of Congress)

Jeff Neumann · 06/23/10 07:24AM

The Library of Congress is adding Tupac's "Dear Mama," along with 24 other recordings, to its National Recording Registry today for their cultural significance. The program coordinator said the song was chosen because it is "relatively tame." What, no Biggie?

What Do We Owe the Old School?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/20/10 11:00AM

Plans for a National Museum of Hip-Hop have already hit a major snag: the old school founders of the culture want to get paid. Does the world owe anything to the innovators—who were screwed as subculture became pop culture?

Brits Have Their Own Charming Versions of Bloods and Crips

Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/10 12:30PM

After McDonald's and the Black Eyed Peas, America's most successful cultural exports are the Bloods and Crips. Londoners have recognized that our gangs are much stronger brands! But they're doing Blue-on-Red gang war the UK way.

Americans: Afraid of Freemasons, Canada, Alex Rodriguez

Max Read · 03/24/10 12:29AM

Now that tea partiers have proven that what Americans don't want is health-care coverage, we're forced to ask: What do Americans want? To be reassured God loves us and that death is no big deal. Also: To be scared shitless!

Goth Is Dead

Hamilton Nolan · 02/19/10 12:19PM

Disney is marketing Alice in Wonderland to Goths with a soundtrack featuring The Cure and "an extensive line of clothing and accessories" at Hot Topic, including a "black shackle bracelet for $10." So much for that. [WSJ]

Midtown NYC Is The Home of 'Buzz!'

Hamilton Nolan · 04/07/09 11:34AM

If there's anyone who grasps the secrets of cultural "buzz," it's Spatial Information experts employed in academia. There's a new "Geography of Buzz" map that scientifically proves that "buzz" is centered...where events are held.