
Adam Weinstein · 07/25/14 03:58PM

Proven theory: Nothing sets white commenters off faster than offhandedly mentioning the phenomenon of "mainly white people dancing to reggae music" in your Jimmy Cliff concert review.

TMZ v. Perez Hilton: Which Should You Be Reading?

Emily Gould · 10/10/07 09:44AM

There are many important factors to take into account when deciding which trash gossip blog best suits your needs. Like: how many times per day would you like to hear about Amy Winehouse? Rosie and the Gays? "Icky icky poo" Bob Barker? How do you feel about the word "shiteous?" Intern Mary has made one of her signature charts, tallying 50 consecutive posts on Friday from both Harvey Levin's AOL/Telepictures (Warner Brothers)-owned gossip site and Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr.'s own place on the web. Which queen of new media should you prefer? It's like, are you hungry for Funyuns or those Andy Capp fries?

Emily Gould · 10/02/07 04:52PM

It's not that I am suggesting that you go to the New Yorker cartoon bank and try your hand at making a LOLNewYorkerCartoon. I don't care either way. I'm just putting it out there that this is an option.

The Look Book Book Arrives

Joshua Stein · 09/19/07 02:00PM

To our office came a gleaming new copy of New York magazine's Look Book book. It's 255 pages of pictures of those New Yorkers whose "taste, or courage, or both," as editor Adam Moss writes in the desultory introduction, "you can't help but admire." Or maybe you can! All of our old friends are there: Mica De Jesus, the befreckled gypsy; Alex Kennedy-Grant, the guitar virtuoso; Kay Goldberg, the ninth grader who graces the cover; and of course Lisa Falcone, the writer, topless model and mere terrible of Liliana and Carolina.