
This Is Exactly What Martin Luther King Jr. Dreamed Of

Hamilton Nolan · 01/26/10 10:43AM

After two board members were charged with theft and sexual harassment, members of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference marched through Atlanta "with signs...calling the [SCLC's own] board members thieves and liars." The view from the mountaintop is unspeakably beautiful. [NYT]

Politicos Eager To Meet Dictator, Of Course

Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/08 03:13PM

Are politicians unscrupulous, money-hungry backslappers who would treat even the worst dictator like a visiting dignitary if they thought it might land them a nice photo-op and some municipal donations that they could tout in their campaign literature? Yes, according to a mischievous prank. Islom Karimov is the "President" of Uzbekistan, by virtue of vote fraud, repression, "disappearing" of dissidents, and other fun tactics. So Cityfile posed as an Uzbekistani official to see how many New York politicians would be willing to set up a meeting with Karimov. A lot, it turns out!

Brat Teen's Party Appropriately Leads To Federal Investigation

Hamilton Nolan · 03/31/08 09:02AM

The Times ran a long story on the front page of its Business section yesterday about Gary Milby, an "oil man" who has swindled investors out of millions of dollars. What has he done with his ill-gotten gains? Bought lots of shit for his spoiled teenage daughter, apparently. Her name is Ariel, and both she and dad were featured on an episode of MTV's apocalyptic teenage hatefest "My Super Sweet 16." And the show was so over-the-top that it caught the attention of the feds, speeding up the investigation of Milby's wrongdoing [NYT]. First time ever "My Super Sweet 16" has displayed redeeming social value! Below, a clip from the show, leading up to Ariel's "Fairytale" party. Here's a fairy tale, mean girl: your wealth. Ha ha.