
Is This the Redditor Who Claimed to Have Murdered His Sister's Abusive Ex?

Camille Dodero · 04/10/13 05:54PM

This past Saturday, a reddit user named Naratto used the Confession Bear—a meme with which reddit users admit often-true secrets like being obsessed with a brother, loving Justin Bieber, enjoying the smell of one's own ballsto talk about a murder. "My sister had an abusive meth addict boyfriend," Naratto claimed. "I killed him with his own drugs while he was unconscious and they ruled it as an overdose."

Florida Man Steals Truck Carrying $75,000 in Campbell's Soup, Has Brief Low-Sodium Joy Ride

Adam Weinstein · 04/09/13 09:11AM

Take heart, German Nutella highway pirates: You are not alone. Florida state troopers arrested a 51-year-old Orlando man Monday for commandeering a tractor-trailer full of soup bound for a supermarket depot. Police pursued Eusebio Diaz Acosta with a helicopter and a K9 unit for nearly 30 miles on a South Florida stretch of the state turnpike before he curbed the Campbell's soup-laden lorry.

Indiana Man Loses Dart Game, Punches Wall, Crashes Car, Calls 911 to Report Himself for Drunk Driving

Taylor Berman · 04/08/13 08:29PM

A man from Logansport, Indiana was arrested for a DUI early Monday morning. Standard enough. Everyone makes mistakes. But what makes this case unusual is the fact that the man, 24-year-old Matthew Devore, wasn't pulled over by police or reported by another driver. Instead, he called 911 to turn himself in, telling the operator he was driving drunk and needed to taken off the road.

Cookie Monster Arrested for Allegedly Shoving 2-Year-Old Boy in Times Square

Taylor Berman · 04/08/13 07:15PM

It's been a rough year for people who make their living masquerading as beloved children's characters in New York City. Last summer, there was the sad case of Central Park's Jew-hating Elmo (who, by the way, is named Adam Sandler). Two months ago, a man dressed as Spider-Man in Times Square claimed to be the victim of a vicious snowball attack from a stingy mom. Monday morning, the streak continued when a man in a Cookie Monster suit was arrested for allegedly shoving a two-year-old boy.

Hostage-Taker at Hillary Clinton Campaign Office Escapes From Prison (UPDATE)

Taylor Berman · 04/07/13 09:05PM

A 52-year-old man who took several people hostage at Hillary Clinton's New Hampshire campaign office in 2007 has escaped from jail. Authorities noticed Leeland Eisenberg was missing during an afternoon headcount at Calumet Transitional Housing Department in Manchester, New Hampshire. Eisenberg was serving a 3 ½ to 7 year sentence for parole violation and was eligible for release in August.

Michael Arrington's Allegations Includes an Assault Investigation

Adrian Chen · 04/05/13 01:14PM

When TechCrunch founder turned venture capitalist Mike Arrington was accused last week of rape and abuse by an ex-girlfriend, many in Silicon Valley were shocked, but not entirely surprised. This is because rumors that Arrington abused women have circulated almost from the time he started his career in the tech industry. Gawker has learned of two previous instances, a decade apart, in which Arrington was accused of violent, abusive behavior towards women. One—in which a coworker and ex-girlfriend accused him of assaulting her in a hotel room—resulted in an internal investigation by his then-employer. In the other incident, he allegedly threw a different girlfriend against a wall. Neither episode ended in any real fallout for Arrington.