Dozens of Boys' Bodies Discovered Buried at Florida School of Horrors
Sarah Hedgecock · 01/29/14 12:40PMFlorida Men Lead Police on Canoe Chase
Adam Weinstein · 01/29/14 10:40AMPoetry-vs.-Prose Argument Leads to Stabbing Death in Russia
Adam Weinstein · 01/29/14 09:57AMBrian Ross, World’s Wrongest Reporter, Hits Pedestrian with BMW
J.K. Trotter · 01/28/14 05:28PMSarah Hedgecock · 01/28/14 04:24PM
Jury Reprimanded for Laughing at Alleged Sheep Fucker Rejected by Cow
Taylor Berman · 01/28/14 03:00PMCord Jefferson · 01/28/14 01:58PM
Police say there is "no indication race was a factor" in the case of a West Virginia man killing two black men who were walking near his house. The shooter told police he thought the victims, who were brothers, were trying to steal from him. In reality, the two men had been looking at a piece of property one had bought.
Legalize Weed Already
Hamilton Nolan · 01/28/14 11:40AMGun-Shop Owner: Maryland Mall Shooter Seemed Pretty Cool to Me
Adam Weinstein · 01/28/14 10:21AMCord Jefferson · 01/27/14 07:48PM
General Gets a Wrist-Slap for Jerk-Off Fantasy About GOP Congresswoman
Adam Weinstein · 01/27/14 02:15PMMan Shoots New Neighbors He Thought Were Stealing From His Property
Adam Weinstein · 01/27/14 11:20AMBurglar Walks Out of Prison, Found Buried In Backyard 28 Years Later
Ken Layne · 01/24/14 03:20PMDennis "Slick" Lilly put on a prison guard's uniform and walked out of jail in December 1986, and that's the last the cops ever saw him alive. Despite being on the FBI's list of Most Wanted Criminals, Lilly was so slick that he disappeared into the life of a law-abiding small businessman in a woodsy town near Seattle.
Could the AP Sue George Zimmerman for Plagiarizing His Awful Painting?
Adam Weinstein · 01/24/14 01:43PMYesterday, we told you about gun-control poster-boy George Zimmerman's latest foray into visual art: a Shepard Fairey-esque rendering of the woman who prosecuted Zimmerman for killing Trayvon Martin. He may have something else in common with Fairey: ripping off the Associated Press to make his masterpieces.