An Easier Way to Rob an ATM
Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/10 08:14AMCreativity Folded Into Ad Age
Hamilton Nolan · 09/11/09 02:01PMAd People See Potential In This Whole Spitzer Affair
Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/08 10:03AM
Highly paid creative advertising experts have come up with an idea for an ad that is sure to knock your funny bone right out of joint: the Eliot Spitzer scandal! Remember that mess with the governor, and the hooker? Now it's fodder for ads! These people are quick, you have to give them that! Politico got hold of the following casting call for a new hotel commercial; what do you get when a Caucasian man, a Caucasian woman, an African-American male, and a British guy walk into a hotel? Hilarity!: