
Babies: 1; Park Slope Bars: 0

Sheila · 02/01/08 05:26PM

Among creative, evolved-ish Park Slope parenting types, bringing your kid to the bar is perfectly acceptable. After all, what better way to express your feelings of, "I'm not sure I'm really ready or equipped to be a parent! I still haven't been a rock star/fashion designer yet!" Last week, Union Hall put an end to nonsense and banned strollers. Outrage ensued—how dare parents not be allowed to drag their spawn to whatever inappropriate venue they want? It was babies versus a bar, and the babies won, the The Brooklyn Paper reports.

A Williamsburg Coke Bar Remembered

Sheila · 01/22/08 11:41AM

OK, so you live in Brooklyn now, and everybody's always going on about the way things "used to be," way back in the 1990s. Oh my God, it was so bad, so desolate, yet so… raw and cool. OK, we get it! It was way better back then because you had a higher chance of being jumped on your way home from the local Puerto Rican coke bar, Kokie's. According to Vice, Kokie's was the epicenter of pre-gentrification Williamsburg, right on that precious cusp: after the first white settlers began to move in, but before the first boutique. Word. Just how crazy was it?

The drug habits of the creative underclass

Nick Denton · 01/04/08 11:55AM

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