
'NYT' Metro Editor To Underlings: Faster, Bitches!

Doree Shafrir · 05/24/07 04:15PM

Seems as though not everyone on the Metro desk possesses the same alacrity of mind, and typing skills, as the recently departed Sewell Chan. (Departed for NYT blog-land, that is! Not departed-departed.) Anyway, things have gotten so bad that Metro Editor Joe Sexton was inspired to send out a memo to his underlings outlining his discontent. The subject was in all caps—DO NOT TRASH THIS—but the post itself? All lower-case! We have a friend who says that when a guy writes you in all lower-case letters, it means he's trying to get in your pants in a non-threatening way (crafty!), so we can only imagine what Joe Sexton was thinking when he sent this out.