
Careful, "The Internet Party" could make you LOLerskate

Nicholas Carlson · 01/17/08 03:00PM

OK, so is no longer Ask Jeeves, and you've never heard of And really, the Internet isn't that much like a bad college house party at all. But still, parts of the humorous short "The Internet Party," from which we briefly excerpt above, ring true. Like the perky, plucky "Google," who's played by a much less pretty but equally nerdy version of Marissa Mayer.

Cracked at Last

Chris Mohney · 08/18/06 05:10PM

Thanks to readers who informed us that newly revived humor mag Cracked had appeared at various midtown comic shops and subway newsstands. Apparently there was a distribution snafu that slowed the initial release, but copies should be widely available by Monday. We received a copy through the kindly offices of EIC Monty Sarhan and a hapless messenger lad, and after looking it over, our verdict: This is a strange beast. Aside from retaining janitorial mascot Sylvester P. Smythe and the traditional misspelling of "mazagine" on the cover, very little remains of the old Cracked — a Mad ripoff that had tread water in various incarnations for almost half a century. Much was made of the new direction now ripping off Maxim instead, but aside from a "look and feel" resemblance in terms of layout, the much more obvious (attempted) homage runs to Spy.

Whither Cracked?

Chris Mohney · 08/16/06 03:40PM

Supposedly "on newsstands" as of yesterday, we haven't been able to locate the revival of potty-humor lampoon Cracked, despite trolling in two different neighborhoods' worth of bodegas and two locations of Barnez y Nobl . We admit to being curious about this Maximized version of a preadolescent media staple (though were more into Crazy). If you've seen Cracked out and about in Manhattan, let us know the where and when.