
​Al Sharpton's Finances Are, as Ever, Supremely Sketchy

Tom Scocca · 11/18/14 03:30PM

The New York Times checked up today on the financial situation of the Reverend Al Sharpton, New York and America's most public private citizen. The setup is about how Sharpton has gone from outsider to insider, track suits to tailored suits, "from the streets to the suites," in his words, etc. Then we learn—well, "learn" isn't exactly the right word, given how well-documented all of Sharpton's aspects have been through the years.

Here's a List of People to Fire Over Fareed Zakaria's Plagiarism

JOE MACLEOD · 11/17/14 02:58PM

Lloyd Grove, on the Daily Beast, in a sort of irony/empathy juggling act, wrote about Washington Post columnist, contributing editor for The Atlantic, New York Times bestselling author, and "CNN Presenter" Fareed Zakaria, host of Fareed Zakaria GPS on Sundays on CNN (check your local listings) and the trouble he's in for his plagiarizing of all kinds of material, from martini recipes to unimportant stuff, and how "pathetically uncredentialed, no-account bloggers who go by the ridiculous Twitter handles @Blippoblappo and @Crushingbort" are bringing possible ruination down upon the "[i]mperially slim and darkly handsome, possessed of an insinuating charm and a cultured manner of speech that recalls the British Raj" Zakaria, also known to Mr. Grove as "America's most celebrated public intellectual."

Without Campaign Finance Reform, Nothing Changes

Hamilton Nolan · 09/12/14 10:57AM

If we ever hope to be a truly fair representative democracy, we need to have campaign finance reform. The Republicans in the Senate have just blocked a proposed Constitutional amendment that might help do that. In America, the money owns the people. Not the other way around.

The New York Times Is Just as Corrupt and Cowardly as Andrew Cuomo

Tom Scocca · 08/27/14 12:08PM

The New York Times editorial board, with great pride in its own high-mindedness, has refused to endorse Andrew Cuomo's campaign for renomination as governor of New York in the upcoming Democratic primary. As the Times' reporters have amply documented, Andrew Cuomo is, in his role as a self-appointed champion of clean politics, a gutless fraud at best, and at worst a crook. Having sworn to rid Albany of its toxic and comical culture of gross corruption, he promptly and comically corrupted his own reform effort. The Times editorial board says so—that Cuomo "broke his most important promise."

Bob McDonnell: My Wife and I Are Too Screwed Up to Conspire Criminally

Adam Weinstein · 07/30/14 01:35PM

If you read nothing else for the rest of your life, read the paragraph below that details how ex-Virginia governor, onetime presidential hopeful, and repository of family values Bob McDonnell and his wife plan to defend themselves against federal corruption charges.

Former New Orleans Mayor Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison

Jason Parham · 07/09/14 11:42AM

Ray Nagin, the former Democratic Mayor of New Orleans, was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison Wednesday for corruption. In February, Nagin was found guilty on 20 counts of bribery and fraud, which included money laundering, conspiracy, tax evasion, and wire fraud. He initially faced 20 years in prison.

Nicolas Sarkozy Detained by Anti-Corruption Police

Allie Jones · 07/01/14 07:55AM

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was detained by anti-corruption police for questioning on Tuesday. The investigators are attempting to determine whether or not he used a magistrate as an informant during judicial proceedings against him.

Adam Weinstein · 05/20/14 09:55AM

Dinesh D'Souza, onetime conservative phenom and Ann Coulter paramour, has pled guilty to federal charges that he made multiple illegal campaign donations in other people's names, including the mistress that wrecked his marriage and his presidency at a Christian college.

Federal Prosecutor Puts Anonymous Commenters in First Amendment Peril

Michelle Dean · 04/01/14 03:21PM

A corruption case out of New Orleans has turned into a fight over an issue that might be of interest to certain users of this here website: Do commenters on a news website have an absolute right to anonymity? And it all traces back to a federal prosecutor with an out-of-control, borderline-rehab-requiring online commenting habit. Federal prosecutors: They're Just Like Us.

FBI Says California Politician Also a Corrupt Arms Dealer

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/26/14 11:54PM

Authorities say California State Senator Leland Yee is a corrupt politician who sold political favors, bragged about a friendship with an arms dealer, and attempted to broker a multi-million dollar weapons sale with an undercover FBI agent.

Sarah Hedgecock · 02/03/14 02:00PM

[Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, arrive at federal court for a motions hearing in Richmond, Virginia, on Monday. Lawyers for McDonnell and his wife are expected to ask a judge to clarify who the former first couple can speak with prior to their July trial on corruption charges. Image via Steve Helber/AP.]