
Not An Organ Donor? Maybe This Pile Of Eyeballs Will Convince You

Hamilton Nolan · 06/11/08 04:14PM

When you're advertising potentially nasty medical-related products or causes, take a cue from the pharmaceutical industry. Those guys can make an ad for Irritable Bowel Syndrome treatment look like a beloved home movie. On the other end of the sensitivity spectrum is this ad from Thailand's Red Cross , urging people to donate their eyes when they die so that others may see. Good cause. But my god, is a huge dump site full of wasted, disembodied eyeballs really the best way to get your message across? (No). The horrifically misguided full ad is below—not for the squeamish.

Celebrity Jesus: Original Gangster Version

Hamilton Nolan · 06/04/08 01:30PM

Hey kids: you think Catholicism is all about musty old churches and child-molesting priests? Think again, yo! Everything that you think is cool came from a man named g-o-d—including blunt-smoking gangster rapper Snoop Dogg. Deify him! But he's not the only one of you young peoples' false idols who came from the Godmeister. That's right, Sienna Miller did too! These two ads from the Australian version of Marie Claire are supposed to promote the Catholic Church's upcoming World Youth Day. 1-8-7 with a gat in your mouth, Jesus! Gaze upon the full versions of two [REAL] horrifying ideas of youth outreach:

Paris Hilton With No Makeup Sells Beauty Products

Hamilton Nolan · 05/22/08 04:05PM

An Ecuadorian business called Xiomara Coronado Beauty Center is running this ad campaign, with a tagline that (according to Copyranter) translates to "Nobody will look younger than you." I guess the message here is, if you don't want to look like a sun-scarred celebutante, Xiomara Coronado Beauty Center is a place that you should consider patronizing. Or maybe they just like to show off their photo retouching skills. Either way: funny, yucky. Ecuador must have some very loose laws about fair use of celebrity images. After the jump, an equally horrible transmogrified version of Angelina Jolie:

Booze Activists Defend Right to Drive Drunk, Spell Lindsay Lohan's Name Wrong

Richard Lawson · 05/02/08 09:47AM

Our friend Copyranter brings this troubling ad to our attention. The ad, from today's USAToday (a highly esteemed bastion of journalism), uses a mugshot of Lindsay Lohan, coupled with what appear to be promotional photos for that Bennigan's off Route 9, to show us how drunk-sensing ignition locks should be used in moderation. Because, I, um, guess there is a gray area when it comes to drunk driving. So, yeah, their cause is pretty bad. But even worse is that they spelled the freckled boozehound's name wrong. It's "Lindsay," not "Lindsey" you dopes. You take out a full page ad in a national newspaper and you can't even spell a damn name right? You've been drinking too much. As have I. Click through for larger.

Sad News

Hamilton Nolan · 04/21/08 03:19PM

Mark "Copyranter" Duffy, New York's premier angry advertising blogger, has officially retired his blog. His succinct explanation to us: "Because people need to start paying for my stress." Well, can't argue with that. Somebody pay the man! [Copyranter]

Male Nipples Now Considered Too Racy For Billboards

Hamilton Nolan · 03/28/08 02:37PM

First, the airbrushes came for Heidi Klum's nipples. Now, in what one can only hope does not signal a trend that will leave Americans sexless once and for all, the airbrushes have struck at an even more vulnerable target: the male wrestlers of Wrestlemania. The city of Orlando seems to feel that John Cena and Floyd Mayweather's nipples are not fit for the public gaze. We pray this abomination is not allowed to stand. Below, close up shots of the monstrous androgynous fighters' chests.

The Black Lips Can't Afford Fliers

Hamilton Nolan · 03/07/08 03:04PM

The great thing about the idea of "guerilla marketing" is that everything qualifies! Did you tell your friend a movie is good? Guerilla marketing. Put a sticker up? Guerilla marketing. Wear a certain kind of shoe? Total guerilla marketing. Now, it appears that the simple act of scrawling on posters on the street with a black marker qualifies as a sophisticated guerilla marketing campaign. The Black Lips probably paid thousands to an underground marketing firm so secret that you have to find its phone number written on the wall of the Alife bathroom to get this kind of street-level PR for their upcoming show. Or they just did it themselves when they were drunk one night. After the jump, photo evidence [via Copyranter] of this three-is-a-trend strategic marker-based promo campaign currently invading the streets of the East Village. (Ha, the "lips" thing is kinda clever though).

Animal Love Ads Not Confined To The Media Industry

Hamilton Nolan · 02/26/08 12:14PM

You probably suspected that advertising creatives included some bestiality fans. This ad campaign for the German magazine Deutsch [via Copyranter] could reinforce your suspicions. And the theme, it turns out, is not confined to the media space; sadly, it permeates advertising for consumer products, and even public service campaigns. Below, three examples of the indelicate use of animal love by the ad industry—the final one, the other half of Deutsch's two-page spread, is somewhat NSFW.

Upside Of 9/11: Literacy In Spain

Hamilton Nolan · 02/25/08 10:57AM

Spanish newspaper El Pais has a sweet idea for how to influence people to read the newspaper: digitally altered pictures of the World Trade Center tragedy! See, if you read El Pais, you'd know that some details have been changed in the photo of this horrible disaster [Copyranter]. Is that really the correct model of plane about to crash into the building, leaving us all scarred for life? Subscribing to El Pais would help you answer that. It's like the terrorist version of the "Spot Five Difference In These Pictures" thing on the comics page. How many differences can YOU pick out? Good, clean, tragic fun. Larger version of the ad, and the educational changes revealed, after the jump.

Does Tom Ford Hate The Straights?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/22/08 12:33PM

A new Tom Ford Menswear ad features a two-page spread [page one pictured] of some serious naked woman vs. clothed man violence. Angry advertising authority Copyranter argues that this is yet another piece of the designer's unfolding plot to destroy heterosexual men. But we're not so sure. As he notes, the ad appeared in Details, and the male model, what with his metrosexuality and niche beer selection, is clearly gay. So this is actually more of a symbol of Tom Ford's disdain for gay men who would try to pass as straight. That makes us feel much better. The second half of the ad, with the violent crotch-grab payoff, after the jump.