
Robots? Yes, Please.

ian spiegelman · 05/18/08 01:33PM

The robots are coming. They are going to steal old peoples' medicine with their hard metal hook-hands and there is nothing we can do about it but marvel at their coolness. Some of the top perpetrators after the jump.

Kids' Drawings Made Real

ian spiegelman · 05/11/08 12:29PM

Someone's taking children's scribbling and gussying them up with some kind of magical computure special effects. It think it's pretty nifty. However, I'm having tech woes and can't seem to publish more than one image in a post, so enjoy the gallery here. Stupid tech trouble.

Battlestar Prequel: Imagine The Wire In Space

ian spiegelman · 04/25/08 03:27PM

The fanatics at have gotten their hands on a script for Caprica, the prequel spin-off of the Sci-Fi Channel's awesome Battlestar Galactica. "CAPRICA, set a mere fifty-one years prior to the planet's destruction portrays a far seedier version of modern day earth, essentially reading like an episode of HBO's THE WIRE. Like all Ronald D. Moore projects, the pilot is riddled with political intrigue, racial prejudice, [and] religious zealots."

Future Ads From the Past

ian spiegelman · 04/13/08 03:03PM

Tee-hee. The Amadeus Net author Mark Rayner is hosting a photoshop contest at his blog that's yielding giggly results such as this one. More examples after the jump.

Here Comes Dr. Horrible!

ian spiegelman · 04/05/08 01:19PM

Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon has just released this teaser poster for his upcoming internet musical, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. "It's the story of a low-rent super-villain, the hero who keeps beating him up, and the cute girl from the laundromat he's too shy to talk to," says Whedon. How can it get any cooler? It stars Neil "Doogie" Patrick "Howser" Harris, as Dr. Horrible, Serenity's Nathan Fillion as Captain Hammer, and insanely cute Buffy alum Felicia Day as Penny. [OhNoTheyDidnt]

Creepy Old Book Covers

ian spiegelman · 04/05/08 12:04PM

Remember when cover art was fun and freaky and had nothing to do with the Hamptons or Manolo Blahniks? Well, me neither, since I wasn't alive then. But apparently, there was such a time. More examples after the jump.