
Here's a Two-Minute Encapsulation of Sarah Palin's Utter Delusion

Matt Cherette · 12/20/10 12:19AM

Here's a clip from tonight's Sarah Palin's Alaska. Watch as Palin condescendingly pretends to be domestic, insults Michelle Obama, dances around the issue of daughter Willow's boyfriend, and defends giving her children lots of freedom—all in two minutes!

Apple Embroiled in Huge Gay Rights Fight

Ryan Tate · 12/15/10 02:16PM

Apple is caught in the crossfire between opponents and supporters of an iPhone game that can only be "won" by signaling opposition to gay and abortion rights. Apple approved the app, then pulled it. Now comes the furious lobbying.

Jon Stewart: President Obama Hates You

Matt Cherette · 12/09/10 11:20PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart tackled the increasingly prominent issue of, well, the fact that President Obama is pissed off. Obama's pissed off at Republicans, obviously, but—as Stewart pointed out—it seems he hates his own supporters now, too! Watch inside.

Jon Stewart: Republicans Are a "Legislative C*ckblock"

Matt Cherette · 12/01/10 11:24PM

It's no secret that Congress stalls its progress leading up to an election day. But what about the few post-election, lame duck weeks? Tonight, Jon Stewart considered that while sarcastically opining on ambitious Democrats and... (legislative) cockblock-obsessed Republicans. Watch inside.

Jon Stewart to Julian Assange: "Stop the Drama!"

Matt Cherette · 11/30/10 11:36PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart opened with the second segment in as many days regarding WikiLeaks' latest data dump (watch the first here). During it, Stewart went after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and his exaggerated martyrdom complex, exclaiming, "Stop the drama!"