
AMI Executives Agree: Everything's Fine at AMI

Hamilton Nolan · 01/14/11 04:00PM

Yesterday we told you that a revolt may be brewing at National Enquirer publisher AMI, where employees are upset about furloughs, layoffs, and perceived management screw-ups following its recent bankruptcy. Did we get some feedback from AMI execs? Did we!

How Do We Keep Wal-Mart Out of NYC?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/10 02:03PM

Yes, Wal-Mart is once again trying to build one of its nefarious "stores" here in New York City. We're not going to debate whether this is a good thing. We're going to jump right to "How do we stop it?"

Cupcakes Have Novel Concept of 'Hip Hop'

Hamilton Nolan · 12/10/10 02:15PM

Duncan Hines Amazing Glazes? More like Duncan Hines Amazing Racists. You know? This controversial ad for "Hip Hop Cupcakes" (the a capella singing group variety) is currently America's biggest cupcake-racism-related scandal. I don't know, those desserts sure can harmonize. [Eater]

You're Making a Bad Mistake, Juan Williams

Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/10 09:10AM

What a week Juan Williams has had! From mild-mannered NPR analyst and Fox News liberal stand-in to multimillionaire full-time Fox News guy, thanks to one dumb comment. Fair warning, Juan: you're about to throw away your entire career. Needlessly.

Each Story About Muslims Must Be 'Balanced' by a Story About 9-11

Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/10 09:17AM

The Portland (Maine) Press Herald practically pissed on Old Glory on Sept. 11, when it ran a story about Muslin Ramadan on the front page—but no 9/11 anniversary boilerplate. This prompted an apology. Which itself prompted another controversy.