
Anti-Legalization Lawmaker Busted for Pot Possession

Max Read · 04/25/11 06:16PM

In February, Rhode Island State Rep. Robert Watson said that his state had its priorities right "if you are a Guatemalan gay man who likes to gamble and smokes marijuana." Big surprise: He just got busted for marijuana possession.

How a Quiet Suburb's Police Force Drove Out Latinos

Max Read · 12/27/10 01:35AM

East Haven, Conn., is a quiet suburb of New Haven with a "peaceful, small-town setting and thriving businesses." Unless you are Latino, in which case it's the place where you're targeted with "traffic stops, false arrests and even jailhouse beatings."

Gossip Girl: The Haunting of Connecticut

Richard Lawson · 12/07/10 01:03PM

Ahhh sweet resolution! Well, almost resolution. The half-season arc of Whatever Happened to Baby Serena is finally drawing to a close, and last night some answers were finally dragged kicking and screaming into the light.