
Here Are the 29 Representatives Who Changed Their Minds About Marriage

Maggie Lange · 06/26/13 05:31PM

There are, in total, 29 U.S. Senators and Representatives who changed their positions regarding same-sex marriage since it was first voted on in 1996. Of those 29 politicians who no longer support DOMA, 24 signed an anti-DOMA amicus brief earlier this year. Still in office are 43 members of Congress who supported DOMA and continue to do so, as well as 31 politicians who always opposed the measure.

Deficit-Fighting Congress Will Spend Millions on Unwanted Army Tanks

Adam Weinstein · 04/29/13 02:18PM

The US Army is kind of over the M-1 Abrams tank. At more than $7 million a pop, there's not much call for the heavy gas-guzzlers on modern battlefields. But some of the most conservative self-styled deficit hawks on Capitol Hill refuse to do away with their treaded gravy train.

Here Is How a Four-Star General Hammers a Petty Congressman

Adam Weinstein · 04/29/13 01:11PM

Duncan Hunter is a Republican California congressman. He's a congressman because his daddy was a congressman. Raymond Odierno is the highest-ranking general in the Army. He is an Army general because he's proven good at killing people. Sometimes those people are the enemy. Last Thursday, on CSPAN, Duncan Hunter became the enemy.

GOP House Declares Bullshit War on a Popular Clinton, Again

Adam Weinstein · 04/24/13 09:35AM

Everything old is new again. Congressional Republicans issued a report on the 2012 Benghazi consulate attacks yesterday that basically blames then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for everything—and calls her a liar to boot.

Fox and Friends: We Should Make Congress Take IQ Tests To Make Sure They Know Stuff About Guns

Kate Bennert · 04/09/13 10:35AM

Working off of this column in the New York Post that suggests we should make members of congress take IQ tests—tests which, according to this guy, will quiz people on their knowledge of guns— the gang over at Fox and Friends all chimed in to support the notion. "Nobody'd be in congress!" Steve Doocey says to no one before chuckling at his own joke. Gretchen Carlson, meanwhile, was already busy thinking about the next step: when are they going to mandate IQ tests for the people that make the IQ tests for congress? "Nobody'd be left in the world!" Steve Doocey notices.

The White House Acknowledges Existence of Drone Memos, Will Release Them to Two Congressional Committees

Taylor Berman · 02/06/13 10:19PM

Late Wednesday evening, the White House announced it had ordered the Justice Department to release to two Congressional intelligence committees the memos containing the legal justifications for drone strikes against U.S. citizens. The announcement comes two days after NBC News released a confidential memo that detailed similar information, and one day before the Senate confirmation hearing of Obama's nominee for CIA director, John Brennan, who is considered the chief architect of the administration's escalated use of drones. Before today, neither the White House nor the Justice Department had acknowledged the memos's existence.

Robert Kessler · 01/03/13 01:35PM

House Republicans have re-elected Rep. John Boehner as the Speaker of the House, once again.

House Republicans to Sandy Victims: Drop Dead

Max Read · 01/02/13 10:27AM

After almost killing the fiscal cliff deal over the course of a few bizarre hours yesterday, you'd think it'd be impossible for House Republicans to make themselves look any more cruel and petty...

We Will Avoid the Fiscal Cliff Because the Members of the House Are Tired and Want to Go Home

Jordan Sargent · 01/01/13 08:15PM

When I was in college I would do this thing where I would procrastinate on papers for days or weeks or months before finally buckling in and getting to work with, oh, 12 hours left before the thing was due. Then I would work furiously for a bit before giving up in the end and wrapping the paper up as sloppily as possible. It would be 3 a.m. and I would be in the library and I would say to myself, "I'm tired and I need to go home." I wasn't very good at college which is why I'm now a blogger — that's a lesson for you children.

Current Congress Is the Laziest in a Lifetime

Hamilton Nolan · 12/28/12 02:00PM

Sure, the U.S. Congress is the butt of its fair share of jokes. People call it corrupt, out of touch, and a plague on the very concept of democracy. But give Congress its due: it's also incredibly unproductive.